I just learned that in 1991 the Communists in Russia tried to organize a coup against Gorbachev to reinstate the centralized government of the USSR because Gorbachev was signing a treaty which relinquished centralized power to the 15 soviet states.
I never understood the reference that Q made to the gang of eight, this gave me some much needed context and clarification.
He referred to Schiff and Paul Ryan as members of the Gang of Eight -- we can likely see this as an attempted coup on Trump (Gorbachev)
Just thought I'd make a post about this because I'm sure many like me didn't know what the gang of eight was or the August coup.
The Gang of Eight is a bipartisan group of DS traitors in Congress (except for Devin Nunes) who get briefings/plot with the IC: https://ballotpedia.org/Gang_of_Eight. Yes, they were very important in the coup plot. Nunes saw and spilled the beans, I think. There is a same name bipartisan group who have been "working" on immigration who are almost as bad.