Groomer Colorado Governor Rips DeSantis For ‘Socialist Attacks on the Private Sector’: ‘We’re Ready for Mountain Disneyland’
🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️⚧️
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More on Polis
In 2000, … he ran for and was elected to the Colorado State Board of Education, where he served as both Chair and Vice-Chair during his six year tenure.
Polis founded two innovative charter schools in Colorado, the Academy of Urban Learning and the New America School. He later served as superintendent of the New America School, a public charter school with four locations in Colorado and New Mexico that helps new immigrant students learn English.
And another tidbit into the hunger games.
U.S. Rep. Jared Polis (D-Boulder) is clearly trying to head off health care town hall-style lynch mobs at the pass by getting out in front of the broiling rhetoric over the proposed “Hidden Gems” wilderness plan.
The proposal is still being drafted – and seeking a congressional sponsor – but basically proponents hope to lock up more than 400,000 acres of the White River and Gunnison National Forests, as well as some nearby BLM land, with a wilderness designation that would prohibit wheeled traffic, road building and development of any kind.
“Undoubtedly and unfortunately, extreme points of view will enter this discussion, but we must all work together to put passions aside and stick to the facts,” Polis wrote.
Fuck Polis...