So many people are united against the fake news media, the globalists, and deep state, and are all invested in wanting answers and the truth.
There are people awake regardless of race, gender, religion, and political affiliations.
Everyone is getting ready for the truth, no matter how much it may be shocking.
Trump’s actions got people awake.
The Q plan includes everything that has happened, including after Biden was inaugurated.
Everything that has happened has to happen.
When the plan is over, it will make perfect sense why the plan happened this exact way.
“You are watching a movie”
The reason declas didn’t happen the second the q plan got to the point “NCSWIC”, was because the population had to be prepared for the uncomfortable truths.
Everything done is prepare the population in this movie. I see the movie ending in a climax where until the last second, everything seems lost, and then the reveal happens. After this reveal, it will make sense why everything has happened (including the “stolen election” as well as Biden being inaugurated)
The declas: 1:what they were planning to do (we got a very small version with the Covid response), and more importantly (the reason it took so long, and the “movie” had to happen so what the bad guys did happens “never again” ) 2: who the bad guys really are 3: what bad things they did in the past.
Epstein gave the people a small hint.
“The first arrest will verify action and confirm future direction”
I thought Trump was going to declas? Why didn't he? Why didn't he spring Assange?
There will be a declas.
Trump’s part in the Q plan is mostly over.
So many people are united against the fake news media, the globalists, and deep state, and are all invested in wanting answers and the truth.
There are people awake regardless of race, gender, religion, and political affiliations.
Everyone is getting ready for the truth, no matter how much it may be shocking.
Trump’s actions got people awake.
The Q plan includes everything that has happened, including after Biden was inaugurated.
Everything that has happened has to happen.
When the plan is over, it will make perfect sense why the plan happened this exact way.
“You are watching a movie”
The reason declas didn’t happen the second the q plan got to the point “NCSWIC”, was because the population had to be prepared for the uncomfortable truths.
Everything done is prepare the population in this movie. I see the movie ending in a climax where until the last second, everything seems lost, and then the reveal happens. After this reveal, it will make sense why everything has happened (including the “stolen election” as well as Biden being inaugurated)
The declas: 1:what they were planning to do (we got a very small version with the Covid response), and more importantly (the reason it took so long, and the “movie” had to happen so what the bad guys did happens “never again” ) 2: who the bad guys really are 3: what bad things they did in the past.
Epstein gave the people a small hint.
“The first arrest will verify action and confirm future direction”