General Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️ The information flowing out of Durham’s filings and the vast amount of emails, texts, reports, etc, etc…show that the Russia-Gate bullshit was exactly that, bullshit (excuse my Irish!). In my expert judgement of the federal government and my expert judgement as a senior intelligence official, the FBI needs a total and complete transformation or it needs to be abolished (at this moment, I favor the latter, but I’ll leave a glimpse of light to be convinced otherwise). The embarrassment and the incompetency as well as the criminal behavior of senior members of the bureau demonstrate a level of corruption that is beyond the pale. Additionally, select senior elements of the intelligence community inside the ODNI and the CIA need to be brought to account. They know they committed an egregious level of sedition in their effort to usurp the presidency of the United States of America thus the American people. If you can’t tell I’m pissed, then you are asleep. I’m upset but I am totally focused on staying the course of getting the American public back in the game. We have one shot this November…we better wake up America and get out to vote all the bums out (both parties). Enough said … for now.
General Flynn Statement ! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Overwhelm them at the polls while the military takes down Dominion manipulation servers (which likely happened in 2016).
Then explain 2020.
Whitehats set them up and allowed the cheat to go through to catch them in the act and in order to preempt a Color Revolution.
The Deepstate and Mocking Bird Media heads expected Trump to fight the results by refusing to leave office.