RACINE — Mayor Cory Mason said he tested positive on Monday for COVID-19.
In a Facebook post Tuesday, he wrote "Yesterday I tested positive for COVID. I am thankful that I am vaccinated and that so far my symptoms are mild. To help stop the spread, my family and I will be isolating in accordance with health guidelines and doctor recommendations. Stay safe Racine!"
Hospitalizations for COVID-19 remain low statewide, but new confirmed cases are on the rise, indicating that the coronavirus is actively spreading but that vaccinations are keeping people alive and out of the hospital.
Down from a record high in late 2021, average new cases confirmed per day fell into the low 300s in March but have since risen to more than 1,100 cases per day, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Statewide, according to DHS, 61% of the Wisconsin residents are fully vaccinated and more than half of those who are fully vaccinated have received at least one booster dose.
Wisconsin residents not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 were 2.4 times more likely to be hospitalized with the virus and 3.4 times more likely to die from it than those fully vaccinated in March.
They are worried about Wisconsin being exposed, and it is highly likely another spike will be manufactured before the mid-term election.
They can fabricate any statistics they need to.
The Racine Zuckerbus is a mobile COVID and voting unit that violates election laws, and will be used in the 2022 and 2024 elections. The Wisconsin legislature, DAs, AG and Supreme Court are all corrupt and compromised, and will never hold them accountable.
Mason refused to testify despite the court-ordered subpoena. He went so far as to say he would go to jail in order to continue covering up the rigged elections.
2000 mules will also focus on Racine and Wisconsin.
They continue to hide and destroy evidence regarding Mason and his brother’s corrupt experimental COVID program linked with Mason Lab, Cornell University, Rotary International and other partners.
Vos is trying to end the Gableman investigation without appearing to.
They are trying to eliminate any momentum by Ranthum and Steen, and are pushing Kleefisch to conservatives to divide the vote.
Why did Scott Walker run for President and how did he really lose his re-election for Governor?
Why did Paul Ryan really leave public office?
What is the real purpose of the 8th Wonder of the World?
Is Ron Johnson really trustworthy?
Trump knows all of these answers. When will he expose Racine as the Root, gateway and model for the rigged elections of 2020 and the entire Agenda beyond?
Always read your posts, you’re very articulate and spot on.