This is a National Science Foundation newsletter from 2009, it says Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave the NSF $50 Million. This is old news but $50 million goes a long way.
National Science Foundation Announces Partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Foster Sustainable Agricultural Solutions
13 years later what does the National Science Foundation do?
Gives $500,000 to University of California Riverside scientist to see whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories.
Now, does this explain why Bill Gates has been buying up all the farm land?
Fair warning, better start growing your own food or you will become a lab rat in the next Bill Gates research experiment.
250k acres isn't huge. My son in laws small ranch is 35k
Most people don't own even a single acre of land and aren't millionaires like your son-in-law.
That's not his point, I don't think. The point is that Bill Gates only owns like 0.01% of the farmland in the USA, and that's being generous. This is a non story, possibly a distraction.
Actually the point about Bill Gates buying up farmland is that he should be in jail, not buying up food industries to possibly poison the nation with.
Well, he could also influence specific regions with his produce using this potential technology.
It might not be "huge" in the scheme of the entire country, but what if, say... A major provider's lettuce suddenly has, oh I don't know, e.coli contamination.
Here comes Gates' mRNA lettuce to temporarily asssist in the void dahdahdun, now mixed in with other products sourced from out of state is his mRNA vaccine.
We already know that shedding occurs to at least some degree.
So even a narrow yet rising amount of farmland could have far reaching and profound effects if technology like this came to fruition.
We've already seen the FDA destroying portions of products.. who's to say they can't make the FDA enforce a recall on chosen crops exhibiting successful modification to create this opportunity?
Read the material he referenced before making a comment. It's not a distraction, it's a look at the future of food supply in this country. What ((they))have in store for all of us. I will probably be dead by then, sure hoping so.
He isnt a millionaire in the liquidity sense. And, I've spent many 12 to 15 hour day working with him. He can have it. It's a tough lifestyle and you really gotta love it.
That's a mistake most people make. Owning land is a wise financial choice. You don't have to be a millionaire to own stocks, nor to own land.
Point me to 35k acres for less than a million dollars and I'll eat my own hat!
Most of us who invest in the stock market or provide capital to businesses do not own ALL the stocks or ALL of the business. So it goes with buying land. Most of us do not own 35k acres, but if you wait until you have enough to buy 35k acres you probably won't own ANY land.
Buy land as you buy gold, silver, 2A equipment--over time. Their value appreciates and then your wealth appreciates.
Then you can afford some nice steak and you don't have to eat headgear while others get rich.
You're right. 900 million acres of farm land in the US. Gates has less than 300k acres. It's just a fraction of a percent. So, there's definite hyperbole in the headline to this post.
NEvertheless, it does make the Gateses one of the biggest private farm land owners in the US. Which is a curious thing. It certainly is a sound investment, but one is tempted to see more than fiduciary motives in these acquisitions.