The fastest way to give strong doses of red pills.
Both Trump and Musk are there for the good of mankind, and profit takes a second seat.
The Globalists put their agenda and narrative first too! But they got squeezed into selling Twitter.
Praise God for Formulating the plan into the hearts and minds of the good people out there.
Twitter is a battlefield and Q told you to fight there, not flee
He did? When?
Post 4509
“ You have been selected to help serve your Country. Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.]. Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control. ”
This is basic knowledge as it wasn’t the only time
Know your role anon and read the drops
When do we actually fight?
This is a digital fight. This is a fight with our spending monies. This is our part. Avoiding physical altercations is best.