I've mentioned this a few times in passing, but I figured I'd make a post about it and let people discuss it. Personally, I'm at the point where I don't think we're going to have elections this year. EVERYTHING going on, all of the fluffed up horse crap involved in every race, all of Trumps bizarre endorsements, all the fake polls showing some RINO or lefty has literally double the lead of the guy Trump endorsed, all of the continuingly mounting evidence that the 2020 election was stolen to an absurd degree, Durham and all of his investigation "leaks", the absolute FEAR we can see in all of these corrupt morons faces whenever they speak in public, the slow leak of intel to the public, the Russia/Ukraine crap, etc. etc.
To me, all of this just signals we're not having an election this year. I'm not date fagging, but I honestly beleive that by August or September (Remember Q said that August is traditionally a HOT month) we're going to be at the point where the public is in a mass revolt against the government because they can't maintain the illusion of power anymore. EVERYONE will know and accept that the 2020 election was stolen, therefore they'll demand something is done about our illegitimate government. And it's going to go FAR beyond just the presidential election.
As Q and Assange said, 95%+ of our elected officials are compromised and will have to be replaced when the crap hits the fan. This will trigger a temporary military state where the Iron Eagle Colonels run the government (as most of us have theorized will end up happening) temporarily. But this leaves us with a problem.
There won't be enough time to actually have the 2022 election. To have a proper election you need at least a year to run campaigns, have debates, primaries (assuming parties are still a thing), talk to the voters about issues, etc. etc. It would be hard enough to do this for just the elections that were stolen in 2020. But when you're talking about 95%+ of the government on the local, state, AND federal level?
Well two months (Entirety of August and September plus November 1-2) is nowhere near enough time to do all of that properly. Hence why I don't beleive we'll be having an election this year. I think everything currently going on is less to do with the midterms, and more to do waking people up until we hit that 4-6% that Q mentioned.
Again, not date fagging, or saying this is the absolute truth, but it's my personal theory I've come to beleive giving how pretty much everything seems to be lining up for exactly that.
EDIT: It occurred to me that I left out the part where Trump has talked about cancelling the election in that past (during 2020). We all know Trump doesn't just say random things without any reason, so that may also be a factor in this. Perhaps it was foreshadowing of what's to come this year.
Overall, I think this is pretty accurate analysis and prediction of potentials risks and fallout, but I have an issue with the decades to de-program. Its taken decades of a multi-trillion dollar propaganda system to forge the narrative and shape public opinion, but when it comes to ideology, truth and knowledge are it’s kryptonite. In my understanding and experience, ideology melts away fast once truth gets a foothold. It takes the realization of as little as a single truth to destroy the Western Liberal Democracy mind virus. My personal opinion is the Great (public) Awakening will happen incredibly fast once some of the more concrete evidence of corruption and crimes against humanity come to surface.
I agree.
What this comes down to is authority figures who the public will trust.
The country will be deprogrammed faster once authority figures who have large followings start preaching the truth.
Human beings by nature do not like to be associated to things that are not popular opinion.
This is why the cabal uses fake opinion polls to keep the scam going.
Which is why they blackmail famous people into doing their bidding.
Think about it.
Why is Elon Musk such a threat to them?
Because not only is he the richest man in the world.
He has one of the largest Twitter followers in the world.
Each time he post. That will destroy the cabal’s hold on reality.
In fact… some people probably are shocked to see Elon being attacked at all.
I am not a fan of Trevor Noah/
But him now speaking some red pills. Weights a 1000 times more than any of us on here.
When the Cabal loses famous people. People will wake up extremely fast in my view.
Ideology is probably the hardest to break through, no matter how sound or crystal clear the Truth is. We witness this phenomena today in our lives, and countless examples throughout history. The enigma is that Truth happens from within, not without. Basically you can bombard the Truth 24/7 onto someone, but until the person, within, breaks from the programming… it will be for naught.
I do believe this is why a lot in the GA community/movement believe Prayer is the most powerful — it’s an opportunity to be within, look inside and be one with God. Our world is too focused on the external, lots of stimuli. The most based people (I know at least) are more in touch with themselves (and reality) then those who are not aka ‘the lost’.
I do think the Great Awakening has already begun, and it’s spreading like wildfire. It will keep spreading, NCSWIC right? :) Time is on our side.
As far as ‘decades to de-program’, let’s look at it this way…
As an exercise, let’s assume when Trump ran for President, that was Year 1 of our ‘purge of the mind virus’ — that was 2015.
So, we are now in Year 6
We have a generation of children who are very likely psychologically damaged due to all the covid-scare, masking BS, not to mention the Vax issues incoming, a direct result of the ‘mind virus’ of their brainwashed parents (lost generation imo).
Assume, on average, it will be 10 years until they are old enough to leave their parents home and go somewhere else, the possibility of fending for themselves without their brainwashed parents deciding for them.
That’s Year 16
Then add on another 10 more years of ‘growing up’, and hopefully de-programmed .
That’s Year 26
… my point is we need to look at this is generational terms, not some overnight clean slate.
For those who are already awake and based, we gotta just keep on keeping on! We have loads of brothers and sisters to awaken.