- Durham trial...Trump's lawsuit against HRC is moving everyday quickly.
- 2000 MULES release
- BIDEN admin disaster - Food/gas shortages, etc
- Biden Laptop
- EM twitter control
They are losing their ability to control the message....No one watches late night, daytime talks show, MSM, etc...
The EVENT is coming soon...the PRECIPICE.
The happenings are here and they look to continue to steamroll....
That's actually a bit funny 😆
Not really.
It is to me because while I agree with most on here, people often stretch so much you'd think they had superpowers.
A fishbowl in the background could be "watch the water."
People will sometimes match up time stamps from people who have 0 to do with Q or the movement or even the suspected Q guys like Pompeo/Scavino. If we go that far I can find literally anything relevant in a matter of minutes by just hopping on Twitter and finding someone who posted anything at a time that lines up with a Q post I like.
And how defensive people can get sometimes, it's a bit out there sometimes.
To be funny, it needs a grain of truth. That shill has none.
I'd it turns out that the plan was thwarted or the off chance that it was never real, there will certainly be people who will try to rationalize anything as part of the plan.
People who spent 5+ years following everything and seeing elections stolen, j6 prisoners locked up, economy collapse. Good shortages, vaccine deaths and injuries, lockdowns, and who else knows what's coming.
Let's see what else happens from here. I see enough to believe, but I still acknowledge I can be wrong, or it can be thwarted.
And if that happens, it's funny to think that someone will call you a shill and a doomer as you get loaded on a train.
And funnier so that people have made that SAME comment in jest and were upvoted in the past, but it had a kernel of truth then and not now?
Lmao I laughed a little too
Lmao, at least someone found some humor in it lol.
Im blown away by the shape of this site recently. The only people left are a hive mind. Instantly blown into a full tantrum of emotion by a single statement that they dont agree with. Its crazy.
Oh, shut up.
Have to agree. Gave him an updoot. He's a handshake though, so I took it back.
Downvote all you want still funny :)