It should be required watching in every law enforcement and justice office in the country. Devastating. To those who are minimizing it and saying it proved nothing - have you watched it? There is no way the proof they showed could be anything but election fraud.
Don’t think that law enforcement and justice departments/courts aren’t involved. If proved disbar lawyers and justices for life nationwide, imprison. Law enforcement never to hold a position again country wide and imprison.
Legalese a non mathmatucal and FAKE language, usurped our justice system. The BAR and Guild, lawyers in general.
Usurped the bench, the government and our freedom.
Never contract with a lawyer or a court. Sign nothing, not a ticket, a summons or a notice to appear. All contracts. If you do, under their own fucked up system, you have three days to rescind you signature. Why, because consumer law requires it and court is a business not a government point of balance and the BAR runs it all. It's a farce.
They will try to poo-poo it, but they won't be able to. It's killer information. Now all we have to do it convince the people with authority to acknowledge it and charge them. If they won't, I believe that's where the military comes in.
I totally get the criticism. But it was still REALLY good. I could use an encore, part 2 that exclusively spends 2 hours just showing you the video footage proving that the same mules were doing it repeatedly.
What about the water line break that flooded out the floor where they were counting ballots they had to shut the counting down for hours while a 24/7 plumbing company came and fixed the gushing water leak, THEN wait on the FAST DRY company dry all the machines and carpet it was a WET MESS! WATER everywhere SOAKED!! Machines SATURATED Ballots!! ALL CAUGHT ON CAMERA! WET WET WET!!
That situation should be BONUS CLIPS the WATER MAIN BUSTED was a mess You know it had to fuck with counting!
It should be required watching in every law enforcement and justice office in the country. Devastating. To those who are minimizing it and saying it proved nothing - have you watched it? There is no way the proof they showed could be anything but election fraud.
Don’t think that law enforcement and justice departments/courts aren’t involved. If proved disbar lawyers and justices for life nationwide, imprison. Law enforcement never to hold a position again country wide and imprison.
Legalese a non mathmatucal and FAKE language, usurped our justice system. The BAR and Guild, lawyers in general. Usurped the bench, the government and our freedom.
Never contract with a lawyer or a court. Sign nothing, not a ticket, a summons or a notice to appear. All contracts. If you do, under their own fucked up system, you have three days to rescind you signature. Why, because consumer law requires it and court is a business not a government point of balance and the BAR runs it all. It's a farce.
I see the twatter mindless idiots saying "the GPS range was too large of an area! dEbUnKeD!"
They will try to poo-poo it, but they won't be able to. It's killer information. Now all we have to do it convince the people with authority to acknowledge it and charge them. If they won't, I believe that's where the military comes in.
The corruption is too widespread IMO. Judges, prosecutors etc will be threatened/bribed. I think the only way is military as Q said.
I'm sorry to say you may be right.
Only way
The military is the only way
I totally get the criticism. But it was still REALLY good. I could use an encore, part 2 that exclusively spends 2 hours just showing you the video footage proving that the same mules were doing it repeatedly.
What about the water line break that flooded out the floor where they were counting ballots they had to shut the counting down for hours while a 24/7 plumbing company came and fixed the gushing water leak, THEN wait on the FAST DRY company dry all the machines and carpet it was a WET MESS! WATER everywhere SOAKED!! Machines SATURATED Ballots!! ALL CAUGHT ON CAMERA! WET WET WET!! That situation should be BONUS CLIPS the WATER MAIN BUSTED was a mess You know it had to fuck with counting! ANYONE REMEMBER THAT? AND THE MESS IT MADE?? ANYONE KNOW WHERE THAT H2O MAIN BREAK WAS??? ANYONE??
I agree, because they also swore to protect and defend the constitution.
Thus must becshared as historical fact because it is. Required knowledge for everyone.
Dinesh got imprisoned for he movie stealing America. Man has as much skin on the table as anyone.