posted ago by MemeToDeath2021 ago by MemeToDeath2021 +22 / -0

After review and analysis of Chapter 1 of “Behold A Pale Horse”

The key part of Chapter 1 is that the economy is being modeled using variables analagous to a mechanical or electrical system, and therefore can be automated/manipulated with computers. They intentionally create “shocks” to the economic model to to find the “natural frequencies” of its components and then apply forcing functions and amplification factors to get the desired “response” (for economics this is outcome). But they build the whole model on these “natural frequency” assumptions, assuming they are static and do not change.

They are using partial differential engineering modeling of a dynamic system. 4 parallels are mechanical systems, electrical systems, macroeconomic systems (overall economy including money supply), and microeconomic systems (biz industry networks and households)

The key to breaking their model is 1. Use cash, 2. Turn OFF all marketing (removes amplification factors), 3. Disconnect economic activities from their data collection (no cellphone tracking). Once you do this you become a random variable that can create destructive oscillations in their economic system with asset allocations into “pressure points” beyond their control, such as A. Buying GME through computershare directly, B. Moving assets into Bitcoin and then off exchange to private wallet, and C. Buying large chunks of silver, optimally with cash or Bitcoin (untrackable)

So you not only shift the “natural frequency” to no longer match their model (so their algorithms lose control), but you also create nonlinear oscillations that lead to an undampable infinite response (i.e. GME and/or silver break the suppression and go to moon)

Here’s a research paper for a mechanical system indicating that if the natural frequency gets shifted enough up or down, outside the error range of the damper (dampers have target frequencies +/- error), system destruction ensues: https://www3.nd.edu/~nathaz/journals/(1990)Dynamic_response_of_structures_with_uncertain_damping.pdf

Here is a big chunk of the "Silent Weapons" history since 1946: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bYn7I03gDPHg/; PDF link of the book has been removed

PDF mirror: https://archive.org/details/pdfy-KZR6jL6_Ckof2hkF/page/n1/mode/2up