Apparently this is a done deal and will be signed.
Better / more sauce on this: thanks to u/purkiss
Apparently this is a done deal and will be signed.
Better / more sauce on this: thanks to u/purkiss
And how will that be implemented and enforced?
I can’t wait. 150,000,000 Americans are about to reach the precipice.
Sorry but I doubt it. Until you mess with their entertainment most normies won’t care.
This must go through the Senate to remove our sovereignty.
Sovereign control over U.S. citizens....... I don't see that ending well for them. The covid scam overreach was probably a mere test for them.
I dont see it as a test. It was planned to drag on a long time decimating the US and the world. Someone we know and Love expedited there plan into failure.
Maybe it's time to do what Judge Jeanine Pirro said on TV; 'Buy a gun and learn how to use it!'
I guess that will give them plenty of "wiggle" room for coming up with a crisis that will trigger the WHO to cancel the midterms. INSANITY what we as a Country are allowing to happen to us.
Enemies Foreign and Domestic!
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