Dinesh D'Souza:
"Since the 'fact checkers' say geotracking is imprecise and inaccurate, here’s Chief Justice Roberts in a 2018 opinion: 'When the Government tracks the location of a cell phone, it achieves near perfect surveillance as if it had attached an ankle monitor to the phone’s user.'"
🤡 MSM Conspiracy Theory Broke🤡
The short answer is no.
VPNs are helpful but your phone connects in many more ways than just internet. Phone signal, wifi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, and others. Every phone has an IMEI number. It's unique to each phone ever made. Changing Sim cards won't matter. If you use your phone it's trackable.
I suppose burner phones with constantly changing Sim cards might be an option, but that would get expensive and you'd always have a different number.
Any android or apple phone will demand an email or contact info to set up, so your tracked there too. You could root your phone to get around that, but it's fairly technical to do and you can brick it if you don't know how to do it.
If you don't want to be tracked you may need to find a hole in the middle of no where and hope no one stumbles across you and wonders what the hell you're doing and report you. If you're hiding out on your own land, your tracked via property records.
The sad truth is that we are all tracked, everywhere we go, no matter what. Even if you hit the road and ramble, your license plate is tracked, your vehicle is insured, your gas payments are tracked, your grocery stops are tracked, on and on. We're in the database somewhere.
It's clear to me that the intelligence agencies have used this massive database to blackmail anyone they want to, including politicians, judges, business leaders, municipal officials, and anyone else they want leverage on. They use that power to force people to their will. It's out of control and it's the number one reason our world is in the state it's in.