An Ozzie here with a few GME & AMC shares through eToro.
Finally today I tried to get the DRS gig happening with ComputerShare after months of putting it off.
Apparently it's not possible to transfer from eToro.
From their site: "The eToro investment platform is NOT an exchange or a marketplace, and it is therefore not possible to initiate a stock transfer between eToro and a third-party venue (and vice versa). This means that all positions that are opened with eToro must be closed with eToro."
I tried setting up an account with ComputerShare, but cant get past the first registration screen, it wants a Holder Account Number or Social security number (US). Then I tried to buy some more through ComputerShare but have to be a US citizen to set up an account.
Gosh this is sooooo very frustrating. Are there any Ozzies out there who have figured this out. Sell eToro shares & buy shares via their bank, then transfer perhaps? I really have no idea.
I did find on the CS help page the fact that they have raised the estimated proceeds limit for GME to $9,999,999 million via the web as opposed to the limit of $2mil on all other stock, interesting.
There is an aussie GME subreddit called "r/GMEmate". Search there and you will find the answers to all your local questions.
If you cant do it directly from e-toro, then you can always transfer your shares to CommSec (Commonwealth Bank), then DRS from there.
CommSec is the the best way to DRS (and charges no fees to DRS). They are also the biggest and safest place to buy. Least likely to fuck people around for the share dividend and MOASS payout.
Fidelity Australia is different to the US. CommSec really is the safest option (but consider diversifying risk by having a few shares with others like IBKR and/or IG)
Go and spend a few hours on "GMEmate". Its all there.
This aussie DRS guide includes e-Toro:
Heres a guide for DRSing direct from IG Australia:
This thread you should also look at. How to contact ComputerShare US
And this one..some guy figured out a way to minimise loss on US-AU exchange rate on payout.
There is a way to buy direct from ComputerShare once your account is setup, but there is fees involved. Also buying with Computershare isnt instant so less control of buying dips. CommSec DRS is free, so recommended method is just keep buying there then DRS out.
Thanks heaps AllMostThere. I did eventually stumble upon GMEmate after wading through many SuperStonk threads about eToro & setting up a CommSec account, but am yet to check it out.
eToro insisted shares can't be transferred out to a broker, CommSec on the other hand tells me they have transferred shares from eToro in the past. Paperwork done, now its a waiting game to see if it works. Meanwhile more waiting for the international trading account to be processed, am praying the MOASS waits till this mess is sorted.
For any other Aussies reading this thread I can highly recommend CommSec, so far they have been super helpful, patient & accessible via phone with virtually no time spent on hold listening to bad music. Some of them at least are GME savvy also.