Testing… Daily Chat Thread
Testing something different here… wondering how we will engage with a daily/weekly/weekend chat thread.
What is this thread all about??
Just general discussion. Stuff on your mind. Talk about hobbies, health, news, help, current topics, theories and predictions, whatever the case may be.
This is the first of what May be many, let’s see how it goes
I had a real interesting dream this morning. I was alone in a subway/mass transit car when I felt a jolt of sorts - looked at the windows and, to my horror, saw kind of murky water rising. (Since I'd lived in the SF area years ago and periodically rode the BART - that runs under the bay - between the East Bay and SF, I thought of that). My mind was racing trying to rationalize how a rescue might happen when it occurred to me that I'd likely die and, even though I felt a sense that this was a dream and not actually occuring, it was terrifying. I closed my eyes and just started praying to God and kept praying to Him and, eventually I felt the subway car speeding up and we pulled out. I opened my eyes and we shortly pulled into a station where we all got out safely.
So when I woke up I checked the news for anything like that and, thankfully, all is calm in underwater transportation (at least publicly-speaking). Years ago I'd had a vision (vs a dream) of an unspecified severe geographical (r/w?) disaster that was going to take place. I was on my way to Hawaii so, while unsettling, I chalked it up to wondering if there would be any volcanic activity. About a week later, while I was in HI, the Indonesian tsunami hit. So I thought this time I'd put it out there JIC. I was contemplating writing a post about this, but then saw this chat post and decided to log it here.