A nurse friend of mine was wondering about Moneypox so I redpilled her.
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
I compared the pictures of moneypox to shingles pictures from years ago. I also explained the Wuhan connections and testing on moneypox. I also gave her Dr. Malone's article on the "virus." That, combined with all of the memes and compiled data on here, really drove it home that this was just another propaganda virus.
She already knew it was one... But she knew I do research and she wanted me to dig deep.
So, I give a great big THANK YOU to all of the anons mining in the rabbit holes digging up treasures! Your work is underappreciated on here!
I've never asked for a sticky before. I'm too humble for that lol!
No seriously, if you got something that you feel needs it, just follow the directions and we will review it and post it.
Us mods are the only ones that see the reports.