posted ago by PepeSee ago by PepeSee +37 / -0
  • As others have noted, nothing earth-shattering though I did learn a few details that were interesting. I didn't take notes so I'd probably have to see it again to recall what all exactly. A few I do remember - how basically the speed at which people were arrested after J6 was way too fast - they had to be tracking people ahead of time. Another was just how much money is in politics thru non-profits and their role in all this. A third was the AZ whistleblower talking about just how bad it is in terms of taking advantage of the Hispanics there for these purposes.

  • It's well-done in terms of building it for people who know nothing about any of this, and doing so in a way that makes it hard to argue, like how the tech worked etc. While I found the flow a little lurchy, it still did a good job in presenting things in a good order to build the case. Essentially I'd compare it to Out of Shadows in terms of a well-done primer on the topic at hand.


  • Larry Elder is an insufferable tool. Starting out all skeptical then at the end acting like it's so huge, dude where were you when you got cheated. I'm a lot more skeptical of this guy/like him a lot less based on his appearance on the panel here. His first answer was like a smart version of Kamala, a politician saying nothing but taking a paragraph to do it. Blech.

  • One detail I thought was particularly well-done was pointing out how their data led to the arrest of the pair of child murderers - that will really help cement the argument against people saying this data is fake/can't be tied to real people etc.