posted ago by 7spade ago by 7spade +45 / -0

At first whenever I began to follow Q some years back it was out of a desire to understand truth about why things are happening in our world. So much misery and death all seemed to be too coincidental and in turn lead me to come to a simple conclusion that much of it is orchestrated. And so down that rabbit hole I went and have a better grasp of why things are done today, but more importantly, I had gained knowledge of who these people are whereas previously those who sought to do harm and curb or outright deny my freedoms were unknown to me.

However over the past year or so, I suppose it began maybe 6 months into the whole lockdown bullshit from 2020 after the covid scam, I began realizing that something else didn't make sense. And so without going into much detail we have come to label these as opposing forces attempting to define an outcome on the world stage (black hats vs white hats). Many claim the black hats dont have as much control that would like to portray, thus leading one to conclude that the white hats are in control or are at the very least providing significant resistant force to stifle their nefarious agendas.

I truly am beginning to think it's more than that. Allow me to explain....

Have you noticed what we call the phenomenon of 'normies waking up', we see more people coming to have their eyes opened to the truth of how they're being used? Of course you do, plenty of people post their own family or friends are waking up. But on a larger scale, have you noticed that major cycles seem to be decreasing in the amount of time it takes from one major cycle to end that another begins? A perfect example of this is our economic cycles, going from boom to bust. We can easily point to this and say it's the WEF/Rothschilds, etc. that are controlling the money that are doing this. And there is likely a lot of truth in that, however I think there's a much larger reason. I believe those controlling the money are doing so on a reactive basis, not a proactive planning basis. So what are they reacting to?

I think they are reacting because they probably came to a realization some time ago that human beings in general are beginning to 'wake up' in a way that they realize they cannot control - that our consciousness/spirit/soul or whatever you want to call it - that we are all intimately connected with one another in ways we have not even begun to fully understand. And those connections with one another will allow us to realize that we have far more in common with one another instead of the blind hatred we are being fed from these elitists. When enough people realize the reality of these deep intimate connections through our spirit, it will be the sunlight that exposes without any doubt just how much we have lived in bondage for so long. A large part of this development has been how the internet, smartphones, apps and so many different things have facilitated better communication between ourselves, which has been sort of the "shrug" to begin waking someone up.

I believe these shortened cycles I mentioned earlier are the elitists ways of attempting to exert what control they can effect in their last efforts to keep us on their leash before too many realize what's going on. If they can continue to depress us, lengthen our sadness, our hopelessness, then they will keep their control longer.

I'm thankful for all the people on this site, it has allowed me in the past couple years to develop my spirituality even more and find truth in life that I had completely dismissed. I find a renewed sense of purpose in myself, happiness I hadn't thought possible, and I only want to spread that happiness to anyone not to preach my version of happiness in this reality on them, but rather because I want them to be happy as well. This entire world needs now more than ever a love for each other that I think has sadly gone missing for too long.