He’s not afraid of what people think. He does the right thing. All the other cowards are a no show
He’s not afraid of what people think. He does the right thing. All the other cowards are a no show
The second death is an eschatological concept in Judaism and Christianity, related to punishment after a natural death on Earth.
There is that.
This is because we exist in a reality outside of the Base reality - no different than a character in a simulation/Westworld/video game vs. the creator of said simulation/Westworld/video game. Salvation is your saved game, your data being uploaded and rebooted into a new reality after death in this reality.
It’s surreal that so many people disbelieve the Bible, creation, and the concept of eternity yet simultaneously said scoffers demand their social media be eternal and without error. Like, their entire life is recoded, archived, and remembered on TikTok without error, and yet they refuse to believe that a supernatural being is currently recoding them without error.
If instagram failed and lost all of their photos they would have a mental breakdown. If they lost their Elden Ring save file they’d melt down. If their GTA cash or garage was gone they’d rage. If their Facebook history was erased they’d fast for a month. Yet most don’t care what God has in His books of remembrance.
They demand their digital avatars be eternal, accurate, and accountable, yet they refuse to believe that they themselves are eternal and accountable to the Creator.
They believe in evolution and deny the Creator, but have the ability to recognize intelligent design and trash talk the “lazy” developers that program their games and media platforms.
They demand that Twitter have a great throne of Woke judgement but they don’t believe they will stand before an actual Throne of judgement.
Interesting. I was thinking about this very idea yesterday. This would be the Apocalypse for them. Some would let go and be free. Many would not let go of their fictitious super structure that defines all meaning (even though it's gone).
Which makes me wonder - perhaps the best rejoinder to the question:
"Do you really believe in God?"
"Do you really believe all those people are your friends?"
It also helps to understand how so many could be allowed eternal damnation. How hard is it to delete a saved game or character that acts against its programming or purpose?
Even secular scientists are coming to the conclusion that due to the nature of our reality, and all the evidence of its coding/engineering - from the quantum level, DNA/genetic data/coding to our day to day level of existence. These things are evidence of some sort intelligently designed reality we find ourselves in - now, who or what is behind that is the only mystery.
Very disappointed at trump saying this..such a childish concept...he knows better
So you didn't think that perhaps an intended audience is the other groomed freaks thinking about doing the bidding of the FBI?
Psychopaths WORSHIP authority. Trump is pointing out there may be an authority greater than one's FBI handler to worry about. Fire and brimstone works against most simple minded. For the other simple minded you just tell them how smart/pretty they are and they will do anything...even jettison their own relationship with God.
Can you imagine someone so foolish?
I don't think church and state should mix roles. Hell and burning in hell concepts used by the church to frighten people into obeying what the church decreed and forcing them to cough up money.
Yes people are gullible..I wouldn't say simple minded...but for trump to join the ranks of priests etc is foolish of him. Truth is something he is supposed to prize
No its not. I expected better from him. And I am not complaining just stating a fact..
Makes me wonder, just like when Trump said half Biden’s brain was gone and during the fake POTUS inauguration a glitch showed Biden’s brain blown off.
What makes you wonder? You improperly quoted him, and the headline of the article states the proper quote. He will burn, not he will die.
Try this link. https://rumble.com/v16dsox-donald-j.-trump-at-the-2022-nra-annual-convention-in-tx-5272022.html
the fuck did you want him to say?
Abbott is a c-word.
It happened. Question is why, not if. Who gave the guy the guns? Who was he talking to online?
Of course he ends up being killed, so they can sweep it under the rug and begin their gun grab pushing without having his police interviews complicate matters...
Seems like the FBI/CIA has found their new strategy, just invite a troubled kid to a discord server and talk him into acting out his wildest murder fantasies.
Of course, he was also on SSRI antidepressants, like seemingly every mass shooter. You have to wonder if they make you more impressionable on top of the litany of other terrible side effects they have
The number of people on SSRIs in America is extremely large. I read it takes a certain anti psychotic drug and a therapist to brainwash these kids to do things. The drug started with an R
That’s a stimulant. Anti psychotics are in a completely different class of drugs.
interesting y'all talked yourself out of a logical dilemma of Trump either being ignorant/liar or this board's "there was no massacre" theory goes down in flames. because muh vax? ok
Such an out of place comment. Are you intentionally trying to create division? /shill /glowie /doomer Whatever the label the comment sticks like rotten eggs
Yes it happened there are lots of signs that it wasn’t a crisis actor type of thing.
Such as?
He won't stand for school shootings!
Implying the shooter isn't dead? Perhaps referring to those who set this kid on his mkultra course?
If the kid really was MKUltra-Ed for sure he would be dead by now. That is black hat MO. The moment the useful idiots usefulness expires, so does he. Dead men tell no tales.
Is he really?
well, when Trump said that he did show up, and others didn't, i wondered who he was referring to...i guess now we know...Abbott up for reelection this year, won the repub primary...damn, what's a native Texan supposed to do now???
I caught the replay last night on RSBN, I think he laid a little heavy on the psycho/evil part. Not saying the shooter wasn't, but typically it seems to be more manipulation + mental deficiency = shooter.
Any who, I haven't been following this much, been going retro on all the Sandy Hook being brought back into the limelight. Is this SH 2.0 or have there actually been deaths?