posted ago by Jammyjams ago by Jammyjams +16 / -0

So, I'm a little confused about AJ.

I don't think many of us can doubt that AJ had a huge impact on red pilling people on the true nature of how the world works. I certainly learned a lot of stuff from him in the early days that proved to be truth.

Bohemian grove, 9/11, and others come to mind. At some point, if it is true what Q said, he was bought off OR threatened into compliance.

Him going against Q, saw a recent episode in which he explains what happened with Q. If I remember correctly, he explains that Q was infiltrated via the 4chan board. The original intent was what we believe Q is and still is, but then there was some sort of inner struggle, tech shit that happened, which the white hats lost control of for a while.

I do know how lies work, the most dangerous are 99% truth with that little 1% of a lie that changes everything.

I certainly do not trust AJ, nor do I really trust anyone. But I still listen because I am going for some of the revelations he provides, but never fully trusting until I see factual evidence. I try to keep an open mind and verify with facts. Although we all know shit is really fucking confusing these days.

Not everything Q said was absolutely correct. Disinfo is necessary. Some facts about Pompeo have me questioning whether AJ is on point with Q being infiltrated, and maybe the Q team took back control after a while. Who knows.

I certainly do not doubt the intentions of Q and that it is real. There is no way this Psyop to trick people was profitable for black hats. The only one that makes sense is that it is similar to the operation during the Bolshevik Revolution to promise a savior to the people, but it really was just used to have people stand down and wait rather than fighting. By the time people realized it, it was too late and they were crushed. This theory scared me the most. But the recent events happening have me convinced this is not the case. We are winning, there is no doubt in my mind.

AJ never says anything about the Khazars, which I believe is the most important "unknown" fact to normies that needs to be put out there. He also never says anything against Israel, which does provide the insight that he is MOS controlled opposition (Basically the same damn people).

I just wonder why things played out the way they did. I have no doubt in the early days, Alex was legit. I just wonder what happened. How did this dude go from good to bad. Any facts people can submit to help verify that all of this is true? Dude is BIG fish in the truth game. It is unfortunate, if true, that he is controlled. The deplatforming thing has me questioning everything because if he was controlled opposition, they WANT people to see his shit. I don't know...

Anyways, love all of you. Let light and Jesus guide us to where we are destined to be. God bless you all.