Gregg Philips readies the boomđź’Ą
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No quarter.....none asked, none given.....raise the black flag.
A red flag would imply no survivors, a black flag indicates we just want your money and goods.
What does a black American flag mean?
Historically, black American flags mean“no quarter” will be granted. This phrase is interpreted as an immediate death sentence. In modern terms, this indicates that captured terrorist suspects will be killed rather than held as prisoners.
During the American Civil War in 1861, some Confederate Army troops displayed the black flag in opposition to the white flag, which symbolizes “surrender.”
This black flag means that they would not give or accept “quarter.” In this case, the term “quarter” indicates “waiver from being executed immediately.” Therefore, anyone hearing that there’s no quarter instantly knew that there was no mercy.
I don't remember there ever being a context for an all black American flag. I think that's a recent thing. Along with the "thin blue, or red or green" or whatever the fuck addition to it.
That's all bullshit and doesn't exist.
Where is this black flag of yours and where are you raising it?