When hearing about Sussman, just remember...
✅ - TRUTH - ✅
Sun Tsu's Art of War
Step 1 - Engage target in a battle that doesnt matter
Step 2 - Loose battle but only just.
Step 3 - Enemy believes they are winning (We are here)
Step 4 - Begin Endgame of the real battle and win
I know this sounds doomish, really not my intent. I just think we are all trying to do this incredibly difficult and complicated work of understanding Q and the plan, we have to admit that it’s ok we were wrong sometimes and sometimes a rabbit hole is just a dead end. We’re not perfect. However, I think it would be far more productive to learn from this and conduct a post-Mortem on what we got wrong in our processing and analysis, so that we will be better when investigating other events.