Well, no. The simplest explanation (NOT SAYING THIS IS IT) is that the drops were a game or psyop and we’ve been misled and no one is helping us behind the scenes and that patriots are not in control.
That’s way simpler.
Doesn’t mean that’s what it is, but it’s undeniably simpler.
That explanation doesn’t explain away the proofs though. That’s why it doesn’t change my mind. I’m gonna need someone who is able to debunk the math behind certain proofs (like the tripcode proof) in a way that shows they actually understand the proof and have some sort of explanation why the math is wrong.
Wish I could give more than 1 upvote. This is the simplest explanation of what is going on that literally everyone can understand.
Well, no. The simplest explanation (NOT SAYING THIS IS IT) is that the drops were a game or psyop and we’ve been misled and no one is helping us behind the scenes and that patriots are not in control.
That’s way simpler.
Doesn’t mean that’s what it is, but it’s undeniably simpler.
That explanation doesn’t explain away the proofs though. That’s why it doesn’t change my mind. I’m gonna need someone who is able to debunk the math behind certain proofs (like the tripcode proof) in a way that shows they actually understand the proof and have some sort of explanation why the math is wrong.