Got to make it seem after billions in research and decades in the making, they FINALLY found the cure to cancer.
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I had one a few years ago but no surgery just drain and pack. They literally cut me a new asshole lol
Yeah, I guess there's two types - one the doc can just drain and pack and one where it has to be done in surgery. Guess I just got lucky lol
Oh well, I've had pancreatitis multiple times and I'll take a million new assholes before I want another round of that. At least with the abscess I'm in and out the same day...pancreatitis is usually close to a week stay, most of it in pure pain and not allowed any food/fluid besides IV.
Yes mine was not advanced to surgery point thanks to divine intervention from real time lol crazy story. But yeah 0 fun either way.
Mine actually developed as I was leaving the hospital for the last home and by the next morning I was like nope time to see the doc, he took one look and said nope time to see the hospital again
It's been about a month and hopefully I don't see the inside of a hospital again for a good long while