For the second straight year POS Potatus IGNORED the D-Day Anniversary. So here's an encore presentation of President Reagan at the 40th Celebration
🪖 Historical Military Ops 🪖
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So the nazis were not our enemy? I’m gonna need a better explanation here, cause we should all agree nazis are bad, whether in Ukraine or Germany
We should, there be apologists. Hitler had the right idea and meant well, the Holocaust never happened, there were no concentration camps, yada yada
There are some out there speculating that Hitler was fighting the same fight we are. Scott McKay, patriot streetfighter, is on that bus. May be driving that bus? I have spent no time on the subject. Has anyone looked at it???
I'm on the fence with this. I think Hitler said F U to the central bank cartel. However both sides were funded by the same.people. I think they are doing to Putin what they did to Hitler. Still don't know my full thought on it all but would t surprise me.
Thanks, good thoughts