Does anyone think that something might be dropped after tonight's show trial?
The Rats seem to have hired Hollywood buddies to produce a primetime show trial that would make former USSR operatives blush.
Wouldn't it be funny if something drops tonight after this farce that causes people to talk about that versus the manufactured bullshit progressives are likely to spew?
I'm thinking there might be something coming out of left field related to Jan 6 ... some kind of incriminating video that'll run completely against the fraud narrative the progressive filth is trying to create.
Progressives ALWAYS overplay their hand. Something has to be up for the post-soap opera show filmed before a live studio audience. Anyone have any similar suspicions?
Give them one reason why they shouldn’t. Tell us, tell us now, one reason why they shouldn’t.
They lie constantly. And get away with it. They make up evidence constantly. And get away with it. They arrest people they shouldn’t, and get away with it. They don’t prosecute people that they should, and get away with it. They watch child molesters and traffickers walk free without even being harassed by the police or law-enforcement, and they get away with it.
They locked down churches, businesses, schools, forced masks and vaccines onto children, and got away with it. Trump was in office while governors received federal funding to do these horrific crimes against our children in the name of a virus. Instead of using emergency powers to stop them, he watched, our president, watched, as Democrats slapped masks onto children permanently, and I mean this literally, permanently harming their language and brain development, forever, they will never catch up. An entire generation will forever be behind, it’s impossible for them to catch up, while our guy was an office. And they got away with it.
Then stole YET ANOTHER ELECTION and got away with it.
So you tell me why they should stop.
Your therapist must love you
They won’t stop until they get their clock cleaned good, like any bully. But what’s going on is a mass gathering of bullet proof evidence, because what’s coming is going to be both overwhelming and scary to just about everyone that hasn’t understood it’s approach.
Read what Q has posted