This lady was fired for having a conceal carry permit, not a gun. She was considered a security risk and escorted outside like a criminal. She should sue.
🧠These people are stupid!

“Shall not be infringed” also applies to requiring a license. They just proved licenses can be weaponized by the state to punish law abiding citizens. Wait until they start firing people with registered ARs. People are saying the gun grab won’t happen by groups coming to your door. I believe it will be to slowly exile gun ownership from society via economic starvation .
Unfortunately you work for IDIOTS, but no matter. Hire a good Attorney and sue sue sue. They will settle for $Millions for lots of civil rights violations.
Who registers a gun?
(Besides when you have to give all your info with the background check...it's the same as registering anyway)
Who submits to a background check?
do you resist physically ? or just by being luckily in one of the few states left on Hearth where you can do that ?
Private sales, or go to a city gun buy-back and buy one from someone turning a gun in for a gas card. Give the person more than the city and the gun is yours.
Same as drivers license
True, but to play devil's advocate for driving:
A) It definitely is a skill with some serious consequences for having that skill impeded by illegal substances
B) Your stolen tax money pays for the roads so of course they need to make you go through a process to gain the ability to use that which you pay for
Exactly this.