Whaddya guys think? Reinstate or nah? I'm thinking we've got future mod material, here. Thoughts?
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Flat Earthers need to be put on the rockets with the perverts when they are launched to the Moon, so they can see the Earth for themselves. Just don't bend over during the ride!
I read your comment history. You believe the official narrative on 911. You’re obviously a Freemason troll here to sway those here that are beginning to question.
You might have read them, but it didn't take somehow. If you had obtained a general understanding of my position, you would know that my position is that fancy work was not necessary for nefarious inside forces to pull off 911, only fancy financing and recruiting the right belligerents who already hated us. I would likely agree with you that the impetus for the attack came from inside.
And building 7?