The City of Kherson, which is in the Crimea region and has now become Russian territory again, has wiped the BANKING DEBTS of those citizens that now have taken up Russian Passports and those in the area. Coupled with the fact that President Putin has put Russia back on the Gold Standard, this will snowball as more Ukraine territories are liberated by Russia from the Nazis. I can imagine the bankers being absolutely unhinged at this news. Putin hates the Globalist Central Bankers and removed them awhile back from Russia. The Central Bank in Russia is owned by the Russian government (people) and not some unelected swill in some office on the other side of the world.
GOLD shall destroy the FED. Q
Fair enough.
My solution is just to drop the interest on these loans to zero or near zero (case by case) — everyone wins, and no one is given a freebie.
It’s daunting to pay $2,000/year and not even chip your principal (and that was with only 30k in student loans). I paid mine off in 2019 though