What biking advice do you have?
How rusty is too rusty? Does a rusted-all-to-hell bike deter the bike thieves? Is it actually a positive?
How do you keep your balls from jiggling around? My left nut is about double the size of a normal testicle because it was undescended as a kid and I had to get it plucked out like an in-grown tooth. In other words, I'm not a fan of jock-straps.
Are elbow and knee pads worth the discomfort and sweat-rash?
Do those hoards of bicyclists actually go into the woods to have big-gay orgies? I've had a family friend confirm his relative does that, mind you.
How do you manage to not look gay riding a bicycle? I'm never wearing one of those "sponsored" tight-fitting bike uniforms. I'm not Lance Armstrong, and even if I was he's still a faggy cheater.
I got a stream-lined backpack for emergency water. Should I bring a gun with me for "other" emergencies?
Are scooters gay? Are skateboards still cool? Which does the least harm to your lower back?
I always move off to the side and let cars pass. Is this safer or more dangerous? I don't wanna be a jerk and force someone to pass me when I'm the one going 5-10 miles an hour and they gotta take a shit really bad.
Does biking help reduce belly-fat? I don't drink, but I've had a beer-belly since 8th grade. I'm not fat, I can lift a whole fridge, except I look pregnant. Will biking help me shed the midriff?
Since sun-screen is known to be carcinogenic (likely on purpose) what's the over-under on alternatives? I have some methylene blue which is used in super-expensive sun-screens that don't have asbestos in them, but I don't wanna risk dying my skin blue.
My head gets really itchy from the helmet. Is a shaved head better or worse? How do you manage the itching in that bastard?
Seriously, though. Do bicyclists have gay orgies in the woods? They always creep me out because I live out in the boonies. I don't wanna wake up and find out they sniffed my bike out and are humping around it like a pack of jack rabbits in heat. Is there an anti-gay-orgy-bicyclist repellent I can spray around my shed?
Yup. Straight hallways with the fluorescent light bulbs parallaxing in the shiny floor while I walk is one of my triggers.
During my sleep spells I lose autonomic breathing. I have to force myself to breathe. I go into a fever dream, a state between being awake and being asleep, where it's fair to say I start hallucinating.
Never had to get nabbed by an ambulance, though, so I can't say I've had it as bad as you.
It very much does. The worst part is people not believing how bad it is. In reality, since I cannot remember a time I never felt sleepy, I can't say I really know how bad it is either, considering I have no basis for comparison.
The worst of my problems are behind me now. 100 - 150 mg of lamotrigine stops my seizures. I haven't had one in years.
Knowing you can't rely on staying conscious is hard. I really do know how you feel.
It may be related to your neurology that you are very gifted at making connections with symbolism. and for that I'm sure I'm not alone in being very grateful for your contributions to GAW.
Glad to have you here too, fren!