"Dire Warning to Americans From Gonzalo Lira in Kharkiv, Ukraine; Biden Admin. escalating Ukraine Situation to Nuclear War with Russia" - link below
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Spot on. As along as they have their Starbucks, mobile devices, and streaming services, they pretty much don’t care. It’s sad really, how far we’ve fallen.
We had a warning in the mid 80’s. Anyone remember the movie “Gung Ho?” It starred Michael Keaton as a Union negotiator for a car plant in Detroit. Their plant got sold to a Japanese car company. The whole movie is about the difference in cultures, and it showed how Americans were getting lazy and resting on their laurels. At one point, it’s found out that Keaton had lied to the workers about a bonus for building X number of cars in a month. When confronted, he spoke. One of the things that he said was this-
Hunt Stevenson: “The truth? You don't want the truth. You want to hear that Americans are better than anybody else. They're kicking our butts, that ain't luck. There's your truth. Sure, the great old American do-or-die spirit. Yeah, it's alive. But they've got it. I tell you, we'd better get it back. We'd better get it back damn fast. Instead, we're strutting around telling ourselves how great we are. I guess if I was really a leader, I would've told you this months ago. Instead, I was telling you basketball stories. I put myself in front of the town and I' m really sorry. I swear to you, man, I' m really sorry.”
Written in 86, never more true in 2022.