An absolutely critical part of any serious Plan to free mankind from subjugation is widespread Awakening of the population.
A simple idea but complex and difficult to accomplish.
Q posts have been BY FAR the most effective tool for waking people up and energizing them to research and to spread the Truth to an ever-larger group of Awakened individuals.
Q recruited millions of people around the world and encouraged them to work on those tasks appropriate to the citizenry in our current situation:
WAKING PEOPLE UP, digging for the Truth about our corrupt and Satanic overlords and their minions and spreading that Truth,
Working to fix our corrupt elections (so we can Free ourselves with minimal violence)
and more. At the same time, Q provided tips, suggestions, and information aimed at making us more effective such as bypassing censorship via memes, which also have deeper and more immediate impact than long text pieces.
The on-going and accelerating success of these Q-initiated and Q-supported efforts is not only clear: it is breath-taking. Many people are still asleep and many will NEVER wake up, but millions around the planet are more aware than ever that those in power over them are at best incompetent and corrupt and at worst outright evil.
The combined efforts of Trump, the various unseen White Hats, MAGA personalities in and out of politics, military and special operators, Q-influenced citizens, and many more persons and groups have positioned us near what I believe is a tipping point. Success may not be assured (and it certainly won't be painless) but for the first time in my life, It seems possible that we will free ourselves from the Cabal and from an even wider and deeper evil than the Cabal.
Without Q, I can't imagine this happening.
Equally important, Q counseled against violence, because our heavily-armed local, county, state, and federal governments would react swiftly and harshly (look at what the feds have been doing to the non-violent J6 protesters; imagine how wide and cruel a net they would cast if we were trying to free ourselves violently).
Yes, we could take down some of the traitors -- but at the cost of bringing a long-running Vietnam-like guerrilla war to America. That would get many millions killed, interned, tortured, and executed while also ensuring even more iron-fist tactics in every Authoritarian structure in the country.
We are long-past 1776, when equally-well-armed Americans had the home-court advantage against Brits whose supply chain spanned the entire Atlantic ocean, crossed in wind-powered wooden ships. Those Brits had no satellite intel data, no air support from swooping A10 gunships, and no weapons not also widely available to the average American farmer or (as with cannon) not easily acquired by small groups of civilians.
We won, but it was a horrific war. Things would not go as well today; the situation is entirely different.
The Second Amendment remains critically important for many reasons (including, yes, as a last-resort defense against tyranny) but we have allowed the federal government in particular to become so much more powerful than the citizenry that even should we prevail against the Armed Forces, the Intelligence agencies, the many armed agents of EVERY federal agency, and the quisling corporate, media, and other Cabal-tainted centers of power -- the death and damage incurred would be incalculable.
Some of what must be done can only be done by the military and by other large groups with powerful tools not widely available.
Q is an amazingly well-conceived tool for the task of freeing America and mankind, and has been skillfully implemented by those directly involved. Q has recruited, supported, educated, and empowered individuals across the world to participate in overthrowing a centuries old (and more) evil and potentially bringing in a new age of peace and brotherhood.
Anyone who believes Q is a Cabal-run psy-op is either not seeing clearly or was never interested in freeing humanity in the first place.
You're right about how easily the Cabal could basically put an end to America. A single nuke, detonated at the right spot high over the rough center of the USA, will take out nearly all electrical devices in the country (via EMP) including the power plants. No electricity, no communications, no working pumps at the gas stations, etc. That would kill probably 90% of the population in the following six to twelve months, and yes, that's another reason to not go kinetic in our fight for freedom. (And the idea of planting one in the Yellowstone Caldera gave me chills; THAT would likely do even MORE damage including over the entire globe.)
Assuming THAT doesn't happen, you may or may not be right about how long the fight would last. Yes, of course there would be people and groups fighting WITH us in the military, in the state police, and so on -- that sort of thing happens in almost any revolt, to some extent. I hope you'd be right about the numbers, or even low on how many would support the citizens and the Constitution, but I have no way of knowing; there is SO much corruption right now.
Whatever happens in a kinetic revolution, whichever side "wins", the other side will continue the war (in guerrilla form, if we lose; maybe worse if we WIN) and THAT will last for decades or possibly escalate to nuclear from the Cabal if they are defeated in a conventional struggle.
You could be right and I'd love to think we could prevail in a short and relatively death-and-destruction-free revolution. I just can't see it though; the Cabal (foreign and domestic, in all it's variations) clearly is not concerned about collateral damage and seems willing to inflict any amount of harm upon us rather than lose.
Almost forgot: your comment about needing to educate the normies is interesting; personally, I think we've about reached the optimal point where enough people are awake and sufficiently aware to make suffering through more harm from the Cabal -- if it's only so we can wake up more people -- a negative. Of course, there are many factors in that calculation that I have no way of assessing, including many I'm completely unaware of.