Who’s got a garden this year? Having more difficulties than previous years? Just asking cuz I am. I use heritage seed stocks and whether it’s the soil, water or air I’m having growing problems. It’s disturbing.
We have a fairly large garden (cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, peppers of all sort, green beans, peas etc.). We use compost and very high quality dirt (we have truck it in every year). We live in central-north Indiana. We have had an outstanding year so far. In fact she is already to the point of giving stuff away, as there is going to be more than we can consume, can or dehydrate.
Fren, are you using fresh organic compost / black soil? Even if you have existing dirt, it is good to add more nutrients and a fresh growing environment. Have you aerated / tilled? I am not a gardener / farmer but I know a thing or two about the tools needed to grow stuff.
Be careful. There are warnings going around by the Instagram homesteaders. Farmers tend to spray herbicides even on grazing land. It takes 4 years for some of them to disappear from the manure. So some homesteaders are having garden crop damage even though they got manure from nearby farmers, because of the broad spectrum herbicides used on their fields.
I am also having issues with my garden this year, and my soil/compost is from my own livestock and chickens so no pesticides there. I feel like something is off.
IKR??? Some may laugh IDC, but my $$$ is on chemtrails. High Aluminum & other particulates in soils EVERYWHERE. We have A RIGHT to be concerned?!! I’m sick of the naysayers too.
Just some pots on my apartment patio. Weren't doing very well. I read somewhere that something was missing in the potting soil now. Started fertilizing more and wow, the plants are taking off. Counted two dozen blossoms on my tomato plant this morning. Something is attacking my beans though. Can't see any insects so not sure what it is.
Stay away from the big store soils, they're awful, almost like they intended it to be. Start your own compost pile and add wood chips, it is perfect for plants and vegetables as well as seals moisture into soils.Here's a good site to get started.
Sounds like the usual suspects, primarily Monsanto / Round-Up. Also known to cause leaky gut / inflammatory bowl syndrome, and other issues, because glyphosate breaks down the mucosal barriers in the intenstinal tract and enters the bloodstream.
Monsanto is like the FED or CDC; untouchable, unaccountable, corrupt, and has our legal system backing them up.
Not saying their good guys but glyphosate is much safer than the internet says it is. It can take up to 10 days to kill a soft tissue weed. I use it regularly at home and work. But always according to the product label.
Neonic def harms pollinators, along with many other active ingredients. When you follow label restrictions, and watch out for off target drift, its relatively safe. On the other hand, neonic products give you excellent residual control of beetles in ag and horticulture up to 6 months sometimes.
Its relatively safe when used according to label. BASF, syngenta, OHP they all do extensive research, sometimes with daily research budget in the millions. Neonic isnt as widely used as it once was. At least in horticulture
Corn around us isn't very high this year. And recently many of our local farmers are opting to plant other things like milo, instead of the usual corn/ bean rotations.
Who’s got a garden this year? Having more difficulties than previous years? Just asking cuz I am. I use heritage seed stocks and whether it’s the soil, water or air I’m having growing problems. It’s disturbing.
We have a fairly large garden (cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, peppers of all sort, green beans, peas etc.). We use compost and very high quality dirt (we have truck it in every year). We live in central-north Indiana. We have had an outstanding year so far. In fact she is already to the point of giving stuff away, as there is going to be more than we can consume, can or dehydrate.
That’s great to hear!! 😎👍🏼
Fren, are you using fresh organic compost / black soil? Even if you have existing dirt, it is good to add more nutrients and a fresh growing environment. Have you aerated / tilled? I am not a gardener / farmer but I know a thing or two about the tools needed to grow stuff.
I’m new to this place so only have a new compost pile. Next year I can use that 👍🏼
Be careful. There are warnings going around by the Instagram homesteaders. Farmers tend to spray herbicides even on grazing land. It takes 4 years for some of them to disappear from the manure. So some homesteaders are having garden crop damage even though they got manure from nearby farmers, because of the broad spectrum herbicides used on their fields.
Unreal. smh
I am also having issues with my garden this year, and my soil/compost is from my own livestock and chickens so no pesticides there. I feel like something is off.
IKR??? Some may laugh IDC, but my $$$ is on chemtrails. High Aluminum & other particulates in soils EVERYWHERE. We have A RIGHT to be concerned?!! I’m sick of the naysayers too.
Just some pots on my apartment patio. Weren't doing very well. I read somewhere that something was missing in the potting soil now. Started fertilizing more and wow, the plants are taking off. Counted two dozen blossoms on my tomato plant this morning. Something is attacking my beans though. Can't see any insects so not sure what it is.
I was reading on some gardening blogs & others were saying they were having problems, mainly why I asked.
Stay away from the big store soils, they're awful, almost like they intended it to be. Start your own compost pile and add wood chips, it is perfect for plants and vegetables as well as seals moisture into soils.Here's a good site to get started.
Actually I did start a compost pile; I miss my old one cuz I just moved here.
Sounds like the usual suspects, primarily Monsanto / Round-Up. Also known to cause leaky gut / inflammatory bowl syndrome, and other issues, because glyphosate breaks down the mucosal barriers in the intenstinal tract and enters the bloodstream.
Monsanto is like the FED or CDC; untouchable, unaccountable, corrupt, and has our legal system backing them up.
Bayer & Dupont same.
AKA agent orange.
Not saying their good guys but glyphosate is much safer than the internet says it is. It can take up to 10 days to kill a soft tissue weed. I use it regularly at home and work. But always according to the product label.
Neonic def harms pollinators, along with many other active ingredients. When you follow label restrictions, and watch out for off target drift, its relatively safe. On the other hand, neonic products give you excellent residual control of beetles in ag and horticulture up to 6 months sometimes.
Is it safe in the Ag product line? I mean, residual content cuz I doubt their flushing is adequate.
Its relatively safe when used according to label. BASF, syngenta, OHP they all do extensive research, sometimes with daily research budget in the millions. Neonic isnt as widely used as it once was. At least in horticulture
Funny how I trust NUNNA them, or NUNNA it.
Corn around us isn't very high this year. And recently many of our local farmers are opting to plant other things like milo, instead of the usual corn/ bean rotations.