Las Vegas is F*CKED ... Running Out of Water and Electricity
🌎 Great Reset 🚱
A couple of locals have been doing videos on the alarming drop in water levels at Lake Mead. It's nothing new. It's been going on for 20 years. But now, it is at crucial levels.
Here, they show how the water level has dropped, and how the reservoir is running dry:
In this one (more recent), they show how the turbines at Hoover Dam, that generate electricity, are just about far enough out of the water that they won't be able to produce electricity anymore. That will shut down 1/3 of the electricity in Las Vegas:
Stating water coverage of the earths surface has no relationship to local and regional access and availability to water. It does not relate to water tables nor upstream water flow, snowpack and runoff or the aggregate issues of diversions and reservoir management. 73% water covering earth has no contribution to relevance to the Colorado river drainage. Of coarse government water management is negligent. It is not the root cause or corrective action as a single area for these issues. Too many humans using too many resources, building in climates unsustainable to support existing and expanding populations coupled with regional droughts, land misuse and development resulting in recessed or near drained water tables in key locations and block selling water rights outside regional and state originations of water sources would be relevant and key to correcting. All of which is a massive undertaking. When folks turn on their tap and its a dry air pressure or tiny drip this major issue will become very real, very fast to alot of people.
Look, I get the basics of hydrology, climate, and resource distribution. The point of stating the coverage highlights the fact that we have been mismanaged for decades because there is no excuse for the sorry state of our infrastructure in the US, and specifically our water infrastructure. We still use fucking floride and chlorine for water treatment when we should have desalinization plants on the coasts putting salt mines out of business and piping pure fresh water all across the country. Don't let the current dystopian reality obscure the vision of what the world could and should be. At 73% coverage and this far a long in history and technological development, there is no excuse that clean drinking water is not readily available in the driest of deserts. We only have our corruptocrats and our lazy selves to blame for leading us to this precipice. Just like how there are water pipelines running from Lake Mead to CA and AZ, we could have had pipelines sending desalinated water from the Pacific to be stored in these reservoirs. The fact that we are not comes back to corruption and this dystopian society we find ourselves in.
I agree with some of what you are saying. All could or should be utilized and or implemented and have been stifled through policy or other directives. Additionally some of those examples are a form of fix but not solutions, piping long run lines to transmit water is an example. This is a fix and not a very good one due to who is the provider, maintenance etc. A load of additional factors added im not going to cover in a reply here.
I dont agree that water shortages are artificial and based entirely on those factors and the reason I responded was that inference. The dystopian reality is not a lense i filter information through and is a parascope perspective not conducive to an elaborate issue like water shortages imo.