posted ago by MikeTheCubed ago by MikeTheCubed +24 / -0

A couple of days ago I was walking through some woods in a remote country estate miles away from any towns. Despite it being in the middle of nowhere I noticed a dumped vacuum seal bag and thought to myself "how could someone dump this here?". I later got home and watched 'Man vs Bee' (British mini-series starring the guy who played Mr. Bean, which it is reminiscent of). Sure enough the main character thought he'd captured the bee in a vacuum cleaner, and pulled out an identical vacuum seal bag to the one I had previously seen, then proceeded to bash it in.

A few weeks ago I randomly watched the first Sonic movie (waste of time, didn't really enjoy it). The next day I was walking down the platform at Victoria train station in London, and had a random thought about the Sonic movie, then as I walked past a station member of staff he started whistling the tune of Sonic's Emerald Hill Zone.

It's worth noting that I normally hardly ever watch TV; I routinely go months without ever turning it on. And yet on these two occasions where I have watched it I seem to have experienced a feeling of synchronicity. These are also just two examples, but I seem to be having these experiences with increasing regulatory.

Is anyone else having these kinds of experiences lately? Does anyone have any theories as to what this phenomenon may be, or is it just coincidence? It made me think of Q and "future proves past".