She was pro abortion, but not for the reasons most leftists are now:
Here's what Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in Sunday's New York Times Magazine: "Frankly I had thought that at the time [Roe vs. Wade] was decided," Ginsburg told her interviewer, Emily Bazelon, "there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."
Exactly. She said it was so all encompassing that it was just a matter of time till it was overturned. She wanted it less broad or treated from a different perspective so it would be repealable-proof.
She did have a discerning mind. She was a friend of the smothered Justice. I "respect" her despite her personal views about a abortion. [NOTE the rabid left does not grant us similar consideration!] Maybe Our Dear Lord desired her to stay on the Court rather than be replaced by a brain-dead pro-abort so that RvW could be overturned. May God have Mercy on her Soul! She might not have been a "white hat" but what integrity that she did indeed have -- led to a white hat victory. May she RIP. WE are not HATERS life the leftists are! WE have compassion and let the Good Lord judge!
for abortion but knew RvW was wrongly decided
She was pro abortion, but not for the reasons most leftists are now:
Here's what Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in Sunday's New York Times Magazine: "Frankly I had thought that at the time [Roe vs. Wade] was decided," Ginsburg told her interviewer, Emily Bazelon, "there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."
Yeah, she was against babies that weren't Ashkenazi or white.
Exactly. She said it was so all encompassing that it was just a matter of time till it was overturned. She wanted it less broad or treated from a different perspective so it would be repealable-proof.
She did have a discerning mind. She was a friend of the smothered Justice. I "respect" her despite her personal views about a abortion. [NOTE the rabid left does not grant us similar consideration!] Maybe Our Dear Lord desired her to stay on the Court rather than be replaced by a brain-dead pro-abort so that RvW could be overturned. May God have Mercy on her Soul! She might not have been a "white hat" but what integrity that she did indeed have -- led to a white hat victory. May she RIP. WE are not HATERS life the leftists are! WE have compassion and let the Good Lord judge!