381 Real Q vs Fake Q: BEWARE WHOM YOU FOLLOW! (media.greatawakening.win) Trip change incoming? posted 2 years ago by EchoLight 2 years ago by EchoLight +386 / -5 142 comments download share 142 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Fake Q is a fake, gay Trump impersonator… LGBTQ+ ( I don’t know how to imbolden text lol!)
1 * ( asterisk ) on each side of the text for Italics
2 * ( asterisks ) on each side of the text for Bold
3 * ( asterisks ) on each side of the text for Bold & Italics
2 ~ ( Tildes )
for StrikethroughReally good GW How-To link.
two asterisk before and two asterisk after makes text bold
one asterisk before and one after makes text italics