I'm really tired. I'm gonna go to just lurking for a while. I've posted this page several times in the past. If it's your first time seeing it, ask yourself "why?". Q gave us so much more than we're using. Water = Information. Look at the page number. Post 4700. My tongue is numb. Literally.
Handy Guide

Sleepy, I deeply appreciate the work you've been doing and how hard you've been working to get people to see the symbolism. I've found your posts to be so helpful and constructive, I've been stalking your profile for months now so I can catch all your threads and comments. I'm sorry if that comes across a bit creepy, but I haven't found a way to just get notifications of when you post. I know there are a few others who post about the symbolism topics, but I rarely find their posts to stalk their profiles too.
I kind of wish there was a .win (or some other platform) that was just devoted to the symbolism. Probably would speed up the learning process on this, but doubtful that many would post there. I do follow decoding symbols and try my best to wrap my head around it. Don't follow the telegram anymore simply because it moves too fast to catch and follow the conversations and seems like there are a lot of junk posters.
You're also completely correct. I should go through and read through all of the Q posts. All of us should. I have been trying, but I find it to be dense at times due to the implications. No one ever said any of this would be easy, but I constantly feel behind the 8-ball because I've come to a lot of this late and always feel like I'm playing catch up. There are so many rabbit holes and I'm trying to catch them all. Downside of wanting to know as much as I can handle.
That's a whole bunch of words to say I appreciate the work you're doing Sleepy. I'm trying to learn and I probably need to interact more often to get further faster rather than trying to puzzle it all out on my own. I'm also willing to bet (merely based on your updoots) that there are a lot of us who are in my boat. We want to learn, are trying to learn, but don't feel confident enough in what we know to engage with your posts. Instead you get people who refuse to see interacting so it feels like you get no traction.
To answer the question you asked elsewhere in the thread : what is a sailor? A sailor is someone who uses water to get themselves (and cargo) from point A to point B. They're experienced in how water moves, how to use it in their favor and how to predict what is coming (i.e weather) but will drown if left for too long. They don't live in the water, but can survive for a short while in it (i.e shipwrecked) and are often experienced with things that live in or around water (i.e birds, fish etc). I'm sure more could be said about sailors if we categorized them further based on the type of sailing they do or the kinds of boats they sail on.
u/sleepydude. I echo what u/keldari says. We do appreciate you. I do read what you post when I see it, but I get overwhelmed at times also, since I only started this journey 20 months ago. I don’t often feel like I can add to what you write so I updoot and read and try to learn.
But I have a mental block when it comes to symbolism. I see much in black and white and have always hated trying to figure out symbols in writing. Give me a math equation and I need to figure the value or meaning of symbols and I’m totally fine. Give me something someone wrote and tell me to find other meanings? Gah! Sweat starts beading on my brow.
I am one who reads the Q posts but I have a hard time piecing them all together. This is not my strength.
A long-winded way of saying that I am one who really appreciates your gifts and the hard work you expend trying to teach us!
I'm in that boat too. I have a STEM background and it was heavily pushed that things are black and white. It either is or it isn't. "Waking up" has been very difficult in some respects because I have to throw out everything that I was taught was true and realize a lot of it is built on lies. Benefit I have is when I point out that the science is bad, most of my 'normies' believe me because I have credentials.
One thing Decoding Symbols mentions in his posts is to take a step back and look at the thrust of the article. Don't get caught in the details and think in generalities. I found that to be helpful because I already think in analogies and metaphors.
A lot of this can be overwhelming because we're realizing how much we don't know that we don't know. And how much we think we know isn't reality.
Thank you.
Looking Glass - Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) (Official Audio)
They put these "refreshers" in everything to remind themselves what it all means. So they don't forget. So they don't get rusty with interpreting the symbolism. The Symbols are neither Good nor Evil by their nature. They simply are.
A rock is a rock. It can be used to hammer, as a foundation, or to crush the skull of your brother...
Ego : [Peter has 'Brandy' by Looking Glass playing on the walkman] It's fortuitous that you're listening to this song.
Peter Quill : You know...?
Ego : 'Brandy' by Looking Glass. A favorite of your mom's. One of Earth's greatest musical compositions; perhaps its very greatest.
Peter Quill : Yeah.
Ego : You and I, Peter, we're the sailor in the song.
[Begins speaking the lyrics as they play]
Ego : He came on a summer's day / Bringing gifts from far away - like the child I put in your mother, or the freedom you brought Gamora.
Ego : Brandy, you're a fine girl / What a good wife you would be / But my life, my love, my lady is the sea. The sea calls the sailor back. He loves the girl, but that's not his place.
A Sailor is someone who denies themselves all that they want in life, to pursue their true calling.
Kennedy could have had a "normal" Cabal life. He was of the Fitzgerald Bloodline. He could have had it all.
He refused the Devil's offer, and waged War on the Sea. Waged War on the Media -- the flow nozzle of Information.
He refused the offer.
A Sailor is one who pursues the Destiny given to them by God.
One who Sails the High Seas of Enlightenment.
At the cost of a worldly, earthen, landlubber life...
Moon = Subconscious.
Kennedy wasn't talking about going to the physical moon.
He was talking about revealing the capabilities of our subconscious minds. To take us unto greater heights. To bring Light to the Darkness of our minds. To turn the wall that blocks us off from our True Potential transparent.
=O Senpai noticed me!
Fangirling aside, your explanation makes perfect sense and fits with what I know of Kennedy. This is where one of my difficulties with reading comms comes in. I can see the connections when someone else is guiding, but on my own, it doesn't always click.
I suspect some of my problem is simply my attention being pulled in too many directions. Trying to keep up with what's going on with the world, reading through Q posts and other digs, finding answers to health problems, self improvements, renewed relationship with God and studying the bible, trying to learn the symbolism, and trying to digest the implications while recognizing that a lot of what I thought I knew was wrong. Cognitive dissonance is one helluva drug. It also doesn't help that Decoding Symbols tends to focus on the MKUltra side of things, which made me realize how close I came to falling into that system.
Not entirely sure why I spilled my guts like that, but now that I've typed it all out, it feels like I'm grasping at the pattern that puts this all in order. My gut says there is one, I just have to keep playing with all the pieces until I can put the puzzle together.
You spilled your guts because you're looking for the next puzzle piece.
Go outside. Dig a hole, lob some of that dirt on top of a rock as hard as you can, and watch it bake in the sun.
Watch closely how the cracks form.
Then ask yourself, what cracks would form if you used a different type of dirt?
Can we then say all dirt is the same?
What do the cracks really mean? What do they symbolize when you're looking for a proper substance to build with or upon?
Can your knowing of cracks therefore inform your ability to see what others cannot? By experience?
In reading the cracks, you have become enlightened. You bear a light in the world which others see as some form of magic. When you see someone building a house, and notice the cracks you've seen time and time again, and tell them the cracks have spoken -- the house will not stand, they will call you insane.
Not until they face ruin will they say "How could they possibly know it would not stand?"
Experience. Living life. Knowing AND Doing.
Do not admonish the child when they chase butterflies in the field because you are embarrassed for them. There is more wisdom in the flap of that butterfly's wing than in any library on Earth.
This resonated in a way that I rarely see. I'm an empath and have scared a number of people because of that gift. My empathy manifests in one of three ways typically.
The first way I get, sometimes intense, feelings of what needs to be done or said. If it is something that needs to be done, it's almost like a clear plan is laid out or the path is highlighted. When it comes to what needs to be said, it's akin to channeling someone else. The words just come to me, unprompted. I chalk that up to God.
The second way is I've always had a talent for knowing when someone was either lying, holding something back or feeling intense emotions. This is the one that usually scares people the most because they think I know things I shouldn't. To me, it's obvious and I don't understand why others don't see it and I can't explain to them how I know. Tied into this is if I meet someone, I sometimes have a mental picture of who they are. These pictures tell me things about their personality. Sometimes it hints at things that have happened to them before (trauma etc) and gives me a good idea of who they are and how to handle them.
The final way is the strangest one. If I look at a problem, I sometimes can 'see' the outcome. The way the future 'feels' and it's shape. It's not something I bring up often since folks find it unnerving, especially when it comes out that I'm right. Friends have often asked how could I know it would work out that way and all I can do is shrug and tell them its how it felt. Or make a joke of how I'm just magic like that. It's gotten to a point where those who are close to me don't even question it when I get a feeling. They just go along and it has never turned out poorly.
The difference between your analogy and my real life experience is, sometimes I know things that I don't have experience with. Things I can't explain or just shouldn't know. But I fully understand the idea of folks calling your insane or just not believing you. Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain.
I couldn't help but think of this song, too: