posted ago by WinnerofGames ago by WinnerofGames +87 / -1

From Wanda Alger


For those who have studied the Illuminati, they are perfectionists to the core. Those who have freed themselves from the "system" describe how the rituals they practice and the symbols they use have to be flawless - to the point of killing someone if they don't do their part correctly. (This comes from Lucifer, himself, who is the King of Pride). I say this because even just part of this monument coming down is enough to immobilize it's ritualistic use.

Regardless of "how" it was destroyed - it's sending a huge signal that can't be missed. Perhaps it's even better for part of it to remain standing to illustrate to US that WE have work to do. This entire demonic system will not GO DOWN until WE rise UP! The fact that this took place in Georgia is significant for many reasons. Many of you have mentioned prophecies from Amanda Grace and Julie Green about this happening. The only thing I personally ever "got" was being awoken from a sound sleep about 2 months ago by 2 sharp raps at my window and it was 4:04 a.m. (there was nothing at the window). I discovered the next day that 404 is the area code of Atlanta, GA. I won't claim to have gotten any specific "word" other than it made me wonder what God might be doing in Georgia:-).

There have been other words about other monuments going down. I'm sure it's going to happen - one way or another. Maybe until they do, it's our cue to keep pressing in. We're on the right track and on the winning side. Our biggest weapons are steadfast prayer, standing in faith, and declaring our allegiance to the RIGHTFUL RULERS - both in heaven AND on the earth.