"Just as in Revelation 14:8 we read, in connection with Mystery Babylon, of "the wrath of her fornication," the Greek word for "wrath" here, as mentioned previously, is thumos meaning, according to Strong’s Concordance, "breathing hard, passion." That certainly sheds light upon the expression "the wrath of her fornication," for there is no "wrath" suggested in the act of fornication. A man and woman who are having a fling, or a prostitute who has been paid for her services, do not engage in wrath — rage, violence, revenge, vengeance, punishment — while they are fornicating! Oh, no! But they certainly are in the fever heat of passion! Thus, the passage should read, "…she made all nations to drink of the passion of her fornication" rather than "the wrath of her fornication." This fact alone should settle once and for all the real meaning of the Greek word thumos. So it is clear that God’s "wrath." as revealed in the book of Revelation, has to do with His passion, or feeling very strongly about something. It is illuminating that in Revelation 14:10 we find that God’s disobedient children, who ignore the wooing of His Spirit and resist His hand of dealing, are made to drink "the wine of the passion of God." Anyone knows that wine inflames the passions, but does not generally invoke wrath. Can we not see by this that God’s wrath or passion is not that which is vindictive and vengeful, but rather that which is impassioned, fervent, zealous, enlivened, glowing, vigorous, intense, burning, determined, and dynamic!"
Much more in the link:
Great Awakenings here have been happening like clockwork throughout time. They have all been spiritual, and the purpose of each one was to change public perception - move the Overton Window. a little further. Show to the masses that they are not just mindless workers but Consciousness Itself playing a game. Each time, progress has been made but it had to be in waves over very long periods of "time". The mind cannot interpret what it has not been programmed to receive and is easily broken. Q told us that if the public knew the truth, 99% would end up in the hospital.
A human's religion, their God, is the closest, most intimate part of their identity outside of self. It's so close to self-identity that people kill other people for insulting their religion all the time in "Holy Wars", false flags that kill in the millions. That is why many people who have a religious identity are so easily manipulated and cannot handle that core belief being challenged. That identity is going to be challenged. For some, it will be the last chain broken and the liberation of their mind. Others will break.
Thank you for your time and perspective. All information is valuable.
You're welcome, I appreciate your input, bust in anytime you want :)