My nephew, God bless him, is a die hard Bernie fan. Previously we were unable to have any political conversation but thanks to memes we've been able to. We text memes back and forth and as much as we disagree in talking, we agree on much through memes and found quite a bit of common ground and now have better conversations.
So any who, anytime I bring up Trump and try to broach what he's doing he always references Bernie. I can't really out and out say Bernie's a POS as the conversation would go south quickly I'm sure.
Any info to try softly red pilling him on Bernie would be great. I know little about Bernie other than he's uniparty and a Socialist.
The only person I ever heard of getting kicked out of a hippie commune for being too lazy..
Just the fact that this viral meme exists should be a red pill.
Ask him specifically what it is about Bernie that he likes? If he says, Bernie says this or Bernie believes in that, move the conversation around to what Bernie has actually done. Much like Joe, Bernie has had a long career and enjoyed the many perks of being a senator, yet actually accomplished little in the way of doing good for his constituents. He enjoys those THREE houses though. Bernie also wrote a very bizarre rape fantasy story before he was senator in which the woman apparently liked and wanted to be raped. (I didn't read it, so can't say for sure, but yuck.) He's a weirdo, to say the least. Your nephew may be familiar with HA Goodman, a man who was a YUGE Bernie supporter and wrote about him in all the leftist rags like Huff Post, Salon, and so forth back in the day --- but who is now --- wait for it, a YUGE Trump supporter. He has a channel on youtube that goes back years (at least to 2015, maybe further.) Maybe see if you can find some videos on why he bailed on Bernie (He finally figured out Bernie was weak and a sell out.)
That’s last one sounds like a winner. Rape fantasy? Mittens? What a creep.
Thanks, good points. I'll look more into this HA and try steering towards him next time nephew reverts to Bernie.
ask him to research NAMBLA and EXACTLY WHAT WAS BERNIE doing before the age of 40 cause this aspect has ALWAYS been glossed over
Bernie was into boys?
ive been told this from two separate sources that i trust .... you know beatniks were weirdos from the cya
Seriously? P
yes look up ginsberg and howl and that whole beat scene
why gloss over bernies first 40 years they always do....
His vacay home he took as a consolation prize for not complaining about being cheated out of the Dem Primary against Shillary.
Bernie and his constantly needing my support but never accomplishing anything are sort of the Ron Paul of the socialist movement.
I have no sauce on this but I heard for campaign financing the companies that are in charge of all your fundraising take a certain percentage of all donations. Bernie Sanders made his wife the campaign fundraiser company and took it all.
Hmm, lots of good replies I've got, yours as well. Me thinks I'll have to start working up a dossier on the old fart leach...
Bernie and his wife raped a college for one thing, bernie is a commie, OH yeah that's right bernie is a commie....
Use a decent search engine and go see....I'll start you off.
But you're wasting your time, any adult citizen who STILL TODAY does not understand Bernie is a commie cannot be helped.
Thanks for the links, much appreciated!
That's kinda my thinking as well which is why I'm just thinking some soft red pills. Maybe something to at least look at Bernie in a new light with all the shit even he sees going on in our political climate.
Do your own searches, refine your search terms until you find the sort of detail you are hunting.
But you waste your time, Bernie bois can't be helped, my previoiusly sane, intelligent and moral niece was Bernie'd before obama the Usurper got in and she's only become more hardened since.
He basically got on a late night show in the summer of 2019 and said that the counting would stop in the middle of the night and Trump would be saying he won at night, and would "lose" in the morning.
He, along with "the greatest voter fraud" Biden, has been in on the whole election stealing thing from the get go.
Bernie Sanders lived at home untill he was 40, didn't get first job untill he was 40.
If you can find old photos of Bernie when he was young, he started out looking normal, but then became the definition of 'weakling' or 'soy boy'. He became really skinny, disheveled and incel-like with his sloppy clothes and messy hair, gapped teeth and thick glasses. Not manly, healthy or masculine.
Has Bernie ever worked at anything other than being a politician paid by the special interests?
See if you can find any mention of anything he has accomplished besides padding his own nest.