I'm surprised it didn't happen quite a while back, if it woulda been done back then it could have saved us all a lot of trouble. Russia has been pretty magnanimous in this thing so far.
Russia seems to know Ukraine is a Favored Deep State stronghold and they should have hit them harder long ago. Then again by allowing NATO to ramp up they ruin our treasonous double damned corrupt government so there's that I guess.
This wouldn't be just to force the opening of Nord Stream 2.
Russia knows that the pipeline may be shut down again by Europe for any reason, including environmental concerns, safety concerns, etc... at any time in the future.
No, the cancelling of gas supply contracts, in my opinion, has a more sinister purpose. Russia knows that keeping Nord Stream 1 off-line for "repairs" and keeping their other gas pipelines either shut off, or at partial flow... will force Germany, France, Austria, etc... to use up their current gas storage.
If I were Russia, I would want to keep the pipelines shut for 2-months or more, giving one excuse after another. At best, I'd re-start some pipelines at a trickle just to keep Western Europe anticipating the re-opening of the other pipelines. Let Western Europe to go into beginning of winter with less than 20% gas storage, and some countries having depleted their gas stores to zero. They will have no gas reserves left. NOW turn back on the gas supply.
Guess who has the upper hand to dictate prices and terms all winter long? By controlling the gas supply when Europe has no other viable options and is living day-to-day on the gas Russia chooses to supply... you get the picture.
The force majeure wasn't declared just based on one pipeline, but it does including the Nord Stream 1. It basically is a cancellation of all existing gas contracts (mainly to Germany) citing circumstances beyond Gazprom's control. It could involve multiple pipelines for several different reasons.
The main thing is that Russia is no longer obligated to fulfill those contracts due to uncontrolled circumstances (which they didn't specify). Watch the Euro drop in value by another 5% this week vs. the U.S. dollar.
Interesting timing when you consider the Army EU tweet about calm before the storm.
If they cut off the gas shits gonna go sideways real fast. It would be a storm.
I'm surprised it didn't happen quite a while back, if it woulda been done back then it could have saved us all a lot of trouble. Russia has been pretty magnanimous in this thing so far.
Russia seems to know Ukraine is a Favored Deep State stronghold and they should have hit them harder long ago. Then again by allowing NATO to ramp up they ruin our treasonous double damned corrupt government so there's that I guess.
Huge !
Do you think it's to force the opening of Nor stream 2 or just make west europe hurt, Breaking the w europe unipolar alliance?
Western european future looking dark and cold ether way.
The EU is starting to realize that they will have to hang together and give up being nations playing at unity if they hope to stand up to Russia.
The complete and final unification of western europe.
May have been the plan all along.
The synthesis, of the hegelian game of political playdough, "thesis, antithesis, synthesis."
No more "xit" from the "New World Plantation".
Modern day Aesop Fable whispered at night to keep unruly nation states home and in line,
"the big bad bear will get you".
This wouldn't be just to force the opening of Nord Stream 2.
Russia knows that the pipeline may be shut down again by Europe for any reason, including environmental concerns, safety concerns, etc... at any time in the future.
No, the cancelling of gas supply contracts, in my opinion, has a more sinister purpose. Russia knows that keeping Nord Stream 1 off-line for "repairs" and keeping their other gas pipelines either shut off, or at partial flow... will force Germany, France, Austria, etc... to use up their current gas storage.
If I were Russia, I would want to keep the pipelines shut for 2-months or more, giving one excuse after another. At best, I'd re-start some pipelines at a trickle just to keep Western Europe anticipating the re-opening of the other pipelines. Let Western Europe to go into beginning of winter with less than 20% gas storage, and some countries having depleted their gas stores to zero. They will have no gas reserves left. NOW turn back on the gas supply.
Guess who has the upper hand to dictate prices and terms all winter long? By controlling the gas supply when Europe has no other viable options and is living day-to-day on the gas Russia chooses to supply... you get the picture.
It's a dark pictures of major conflict with western intervention. They keep pawing at each other, someone's gonna get their feelings hurt.
So is this the big one that was supposed to be turned back on around the 23rd or something else?
The force majeure wasn't declared just based on one pipeline, but it does including the Nord Stream 1. It basically is a cancellation of all existing gas contracts (mainly to Germany) citing circumstances beyond Gazprom's control. It could involve multiple pipelines for several different reasons.
The main thing is that Russia is no longer obligated to fulfill those contracts due to uncontrolled circumstances (which they didn't specify). Watch the Euro drop in value by another 5% this week vs. the U.S. dollar.
Seems like this is actually really big news. Man, I hope the based Germans out there are preparing themselves.