posted ago by rickynottricky ago by rickynottricky +10 / -4

This wiki page shows that it is a worldwide problem.

Reading threw many articles I have discovered that the percentage ranges from 2% (what the Church says... on this page.) However the 2% is only concerning prepubescent children. Plenty of Pedophiles seek children AFTER puberty.

To as high as 10% as this vlogger claims on this page.

If the actual rate is lower say 5% (claimed USA rate in some lawsuits) That's a huge problem. There are approximately 38,000 priests in the US, and that's a decrease from almost 60,000,50 years ago.

That's not the complete picture though, because children sometimes become imprinted to become a pedophile themselves.

Proverb 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

This also means the opposite in that you can train your children up in the wrong way.