Going full mad man prepping mode now. Cut drinking, going out to eat, entertainment that isn’t free etc. I only eat at work now. Trying to only spend money on my bills and prepping. With the evergrande ceo resignation and inflation soaring I feel we are at the beginning. Do you think this crisis happens before or after the mid terms? Or do you think this crisis will get gradually worse over time.
Trying to be prepared as much as possible with the little time we have left.
Fren, slow down and breathe. Live your life. Prepare and be ready for the unknown. That’s all any of us can do. Don’t let it consume you because it will if you allow it. My personal belief is that we’ll never see the midterms. They already know they’re dead in the water. They know they’re losing ground daily and if midterms are allowed to happen it will only profoundly show their true situation. I think something big is coming from the dark side. With that being said, I believe the white hats are prepared. I also believe we’re headed for a very tough time although I believe it will be brief.Hold the line. If you’re a believer, put it in God’s hands and talk with Him daily.
/\ This exactly, just always do the best you can however don’t make yourself nuts ... then your family says ... “are you hoping there’s an apocalypse?” Nooooooo lol 😂
Press into God He will tell us what to do ...