Below are good summaries of what the world is seeing and doing as the Dollar collapses as the world’s business currency. The BRIC countries are moving quickly to create their own currencies and using Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, and Oil/Gas to bolster their strength. The US dollar is certainly being dropped quickly. If you still haven’t moved your money into Gold, Silver, oil, gas, and maybe….. Bitcoin (I myself still twitch slightly at this idea), you may want to do so this week. Gold, silver, gas and oil are still going to be the best bets I think.
Anyway the US economy is about to finally stop the 2 year down hill roll, and go 90 degrees off a cliff soon. All the economic alarm bells are sounding so we shall see. Either way buckle up frens. Aug. and Sept. are going to be very hot. May God protect us all and give us strength to weather the Storm.
Silver is a relatively finite resource. The value of silver isn't really the way you should see the big picture, the dollar is worth far less today than it was ten years ago and even less than that, the further you go back. The value of gold and silver demonstrates how weak the dollar has become because the government devalued the dollar with excess notes and creation of digital duplicates that do not exist, except in banking computer systems. The only reason silver/gold appears to be so low as the current spot price is the artificial suppression of the actual value and printing fake shares of non-existent gold. There is more "paper" gold/silver out there than real physical metals. Those that actual hold them will realize the real value when the paper shares are exposed as fraudulent.