Okay—the bad guys inflicted Covid-19 on the world, then the good guys countered by unleashing the airborne vaccine "Omicron" on us, correct? Do you think it stopped there? Time for a VIBE CHECK: Fellow amphibians, how are you *really* feeling? Any new, strange, unusual 'bugs' going around?

How do we know Covid is even a real virus and not just.a cold/flu with worldwide msm fear porn tied to it? Or just the effects of radiation through our daily devices and/or weather mod/5G?
I got unusually sick with symptoms I've never experienced before. I'm sure it wasn't a typical cold or flu.
Same here, the symptoms were way different than what I’ve ever had with the flu
Name one symptom that was "way" different...
Well for one shortness of breath at random times even 2 months after having it, that’s never happened to me with the flu. Total loss of smell an taste, I could still smell and taste with the flu. Really bad muscle pain in my back, and barely being able to wear a shirt comfortably because my skin felt like the shirt was scratching the fuck out of me from my skin being so sensitive. Aside from all of that there’s a few more things but I don’t have to name shit to you just because you don’t believe Covid exist lmao. I know it’s no where near as bad as they say it is, I actually also believed it didn’t exist, or was just a cold/flu before I got it. I will never wear the mask or get the vaccine but for me, my wife and almost everyone I work with it was definitely real and not the stupid flu.
You gotnit right sir. Do not be moved.
We don’t. We have a plethora of information indicating that the vax was/is the “virus” - flu cases disappearing, vax effects, people, including world class athletes dropping dead from the effects, our fake news propaganda machine pushing sudden adult death syndrome and other vax “side effects” all or most engineered into the vax. I never came down with a anything that I was aware of, but then I don’t get the flu either.
17Jeff we know bc they show us pictures! Havent you seen the graphics created by the images that only they see on their electron microscopes that no avg little guy pleb has?? Theyve shown us many pics or at least pics of pics of that sphere with spikes all over it to know its a mean little demon virus out to kill us all. And if we'd listen to the msm we'd know EXACTLY what to do to stay safe. Sheeesh
We are being hit with something. I have concluded it is a combo of EM radiation, acidic water supply, airborne toxins, and intentionally sprayed/contaminated food and consumer goods.