This may be a bit memey, but it seems to me that the biggest weakness of q followers is so many of them think the "white hats"are some secret canal of patriots working from the inside to bring down the governmeant corruption, so all patriots have to do is sit back and let the "white hats" do all the work...
Besides being backward as all hell, this idea is antithetical to American values and First Principles. Simply put, the founders didn't sir around waiting for someone else to save then from British tyranny, they took up arms and secured their own freedom.
And that's what patriots across the loose coalition misidentified as "the right" are doing, securing elections, running for office, primarying weak, RINO candidates, getting the real news out there on sites like this, etc.
So you wanna meet a white hat for real? Go look in the mirror.
I know, I know, "maybe the real Q was inside us all along," meme goes here, but think about it a minute and tell me it doesn't make a little bit of sense.
Or maybe I'm contradicting the holy scriptures of your Lord and savior Q somehow, I dunno, lol. (Poking fun, not being malicious)
Yes of course. It all depends on what you want to do.
There are many level on which one could engage with the body politic. Some will focus on schools, others on local government, or county and state.
It is a long march along the institutions. And of course, there is the civil service, judge, sheriff, commissioner positions.
Oust the bad apples.
Wrong. The correct expression is "one and the same".
Correct. Indeed the expression is like that. .... Although .... when you think about it ...... from a certain point of view, we are indeed: One in the Same. :-)
Not everyone has the means to run for office and there likely aren't enough offices even for all of us. Some of us have to be the "radioman" who disseminates the truth to any willing to listen. Some of us have to curate and distribute the memes even if we don't create them ourselves. Steve Bannon said similarly in this clip, not all of us are going to be on the front line of the most critical battles, many of us are the much needed support staff.