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I quote this from Telegram and link the channel:

Operation Španěl: Global human trafficking of surrogate babies from Ukraine exposed

The Czech National Center against Organized Crime (NCOZ) documented (with the support of police authorities in Ukraine, Great Britain and Sweden) cases of babies being transported via Prague to Norway, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, the USA or China were " sold".

Particularly frightening: It was not checked who “ordered” the babies, whether these people could properly care for a newborn, or whether they could pose a danger to the child

Is there a pedophile connection ? Babies bartered like puppies Even single men are said to have taken the babies into "care" in Prague for a fee. Fathers using this program are “often older, with the oldest being 66 years old. In some cases there was a record of total ignorance and inexperience in the necessary care of fathers for newborn children," Czech police spokesman Ibehej said (https://translate.google.com/website?sl=auto&tl=en&hl=nl&client=webapp&u=https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-kauzy-operace-spanel-v-praze-se-prodavaji-deti-vyrobene-na-zakazku-203870).

During the investigation of the case, Czech detectives came across customers from China, the United States, Norway, Sweden, Germany or Greece. "Essentially, anyone with enough funds can buy a child literally to order," says Lukáš Starý, the Czech representative at Eurojust, the European unit for judicial cooperation that helped organize the investigation of the case across different countries.

The Czech media portal "Seznam Zprávy (https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-kauzy-operace-spanel-v-praze-se-prodavaji-deti-vyrobene-na-zakazku-203870)" uncovered a horrifying case in a mixture of postmodern human trafficking in newborns and Ukrainian surrogacy slavery: Since 2019, at least 30 babies in the Czech Republic are said to have been illegally sold to foreigners after they were taken by Ukrainian surrogate mothers in Prague were born.

The focus of the Czech investigation is therefore the Ukrainian agency Feskov-Human Reproduction Group with locations in Kharkiv, Kyiv and Prague. Clinic operator Alexander Feskov has been accused of human trafficking in Ukraine since last year, according to IMABE. In the meantime, six employees of the Wunschbaby Clinic are also suspected of having earned 1.2 million euros with child trafficking.

60,000 euros for a baby The Feskov Clinic (https://feskov.ua/en)advertises a "remote guarantee program": Customers or contract parents do not have to travel to Ukraine for a child via surrogacy. Both the “reproductive program” and confinement could take place depending on the country of choice. This would make it possible to circumvent stricter national laws. Because: According to Ukrainian law, only infertile and married couples are allowed for surrogacy. However, single men who wish to have children and homosexual couples from all over the world were also among Feskov's customers. https://www-krone-at.translate.goog/2774477?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=nl&_x_tr_pto=wapp



Channel: https://t.me/ENDHUMANTRAFFICKING