Certainly the sequence, in particular the S1 Spike protein proves it is man made, taken from the HIV virus and spliced in. There is no Furin cleavage site in natural SARS viruses, and it isn't found in animals, to date not one single animal shows up as having it, therefore it wasn't a zoonotic transfer as the world was first told.
The Wuhan lab was using humanised lung tissue on mice to make SARS more lethal before any signs of SARS COV 2 tho.
So it's more of a general idea.
covid is a man-made idea.
Certainly the sequence, in particular the S1 Spike protein proves it is man made, taken from the HIV virus and spliced in. There is no Furin cleavage site in natural SARS viruses, and it isn't found in animals, to date not one single animal shows up as having it, therefore it wasn't a zoonotic transfer as the world was first told.
The Wuhan lab was using humanised lung tissue on mice to make SARS more lethal before any signs of SARS COV 2 tho.