posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +45 / -0



Janet Napolitano refuses to answer questions about the deportation of Saudi national who was at the Boston Marathon Bombing


background info:

The Boston Marathon Bombing Red Pill



So, when it came to light that FEMA deputy administrator Richard Serino was at the Boston Marathon finish line, immediately before and after the supposed bombing,

some questions were posed, such as

shouldn't this guy be at WORK?

does his BOSS know what he is doing?

and of course, the answers turned out to be,


and HIS BOSSES knew exactly what he was doing.

you can delegate authority, but you can't delegate responsibility

Fortunately for us, FEMA deputy administrator Richard Serino's chain of command is easily discoverable,

and of course it goes all the way to the very top, which is the President of the United States, which at the time was Barack Obama, and the VP was Joe Biden.

The Boston Marathon Bombing was a PLANNED "mass casualty incident" or "mass casualty drill",

and it was done under a DHS program called Operation Urban Shield.

And at the time, Janet Napolitano was the Secretary of Homeland Security, which is a cabinet level position.

When the DHS was rolled out after 9/11, the DHS functioned like an umbrella over many agencies that were previously more independent, such as FEMA.

Napolitano was the boss of DHS, and hence FEMA...

When it was discovered that DHS's Janet Napolitano had personally recruited Richard Serino to FEMA, at the special request of President Obama,

The entire chain-of-command was exposed, and vulnerable, and this exposure threatened the President.

At the time, Washington politicians were shitting bricks, because their false flag had been so quickly exposed, and a huge spotlight was shown on the real perps, and they had no-where to hide.

Politicians were supposedly making comments like, "Maybe we should just scrap the whole thing (the US government), and go back to the Constitution"

To which my reply was, "Maybe we should just arrest you, convict you, and send you all to JAIL!"

Eventually a fake tornado in Moore Oklahoma was used as a distraction, to segue the news cycle away from the Boston Marathon Bombing fake narrative that was going horribly wrong.

when i say "fake" i mean that there may have been a real tornado in Moore Oklahoma at some point, and so they merely recycled the old photos and footage, as if it was a new tornado.

i know this because i did a google image search at the time, and many of the photos that had timestamps of just a few hours old, were the exact same photos as the previous tornado


They also used a fake chemical plant explosion in Texas as a distraction,

Where they used old footage of an explosion that happened in Henderson Nevada many years earlier.

That is how the fake news cycle works. They have these big events spaced out about 6 weeks apart.

and i suspect that Q had access to the master calendar of fake news events, which is why he was able to so accurately predict "the news"

On the Friday of the very week that we discovered and exposed Napolitano as the go-between between Obama and Serino,

Napolitano took a very unexpected career turn, resigned from the DHS, and took a job in a completely unrelated field.

At the time, it felt like they just found a cover-story to get her out of Washington, and gave her a random job that she hadn't even applied for,

Kinda like how Richard Serino was given a job he didn't apply for.

Suspicious Resignations


Was Joe Biden in the loop?

Joe Biden was certainly in the chain of command!